Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Fall 2019 | Page 27
Daniel & Ellen Wilson Huot
Diana L. Huot
Inn by the Sea
Michael & Vera Gallant Kalagias
Paul & Lynne Kelly
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Kevin & Amanda Kezal
Kathlyn Dentico Killian
Leo’s Sold Team, Inc.
Lighthouse Preservation Society
Janice Boutet Loughlin
Richard N. Martel
Amanda McGeachey
Amy McGeachey-Bond
Cory McGeachey
Lillian Lagueux Minarik
Wayne Nason
Erin M. Nelson
Michael & Marcia Nelson
North Country Rivers
Northeast Delta Dental
Peck’s Family Acupuncture
Richard A. Pelletier
Kenneth E. Poitras
Kenneth Prescott
Daniel F. Pullen
Tom & Marta Rackmales
Robert Rancourt
Red Sox
Margaret Colomb Reed
Michael & Tiffany Regan Robert
Stuart & Sharon Ruben
Bruce Russell
Saco Frame Center & Gallery
Stephen Sanborn
Carl & Lorali Roth Smith
Fred W. & Sharon Stackpole, Jr.
Frank & Marjorie Cote Stewart
Nicholas & Danielle Tabor
Carol & Andrew Taranko
United Way of Greater Portland
Unum Corporation
Valentino Development
Melissa Smith Webber
Weinstein, Lovell & Ordway, P.A.
Kory & Kristi Wentworth
David H. Wormwood
Maroon & Gold Club
Gifts of $150 to $249
Agren Appliance
Andy’s Agway
Aquaboggan Water Park
Atlantic Home Inspection Company,
Bayside Bowl
James & Shari Bickford
Bill Dodge Auto Group
Michael & Joanne Perron Binette
Bob & Terry’s Ski & Sports Outlet
Brady Screenprint, Inc.
Bright Funds Foundation
Peter & Julie Cairns
Emma Arenstam Campbell
Chase Small Craft
Chipotle – Community Roots
Bryan & Kim Christoforo
Christopher & Carolyn Colpitts
CustomBuilt Certified Personal
Bethany Cyr
Debra Ridley Dalton
Deep Brook Golf Course
Melissa Dubovik
Falmouth Osteopathy & Acupuncture
Joshua & Stephanie Fearon
Funtown Splashtown USA
Elizabeth Furbish
Rita Simanonok Gagnon
Roberta Sargent Gallant
Maureen Genthner
Hall Implement Company
Benjamin & Arelle Harris
Bruce Haskell
Christopher & Elizabeth Langelier Hill
Kelley Hodgman-Burns
Linda Morancy Kimball
Christopher Kohl
Russell Grant Leach
Marlene Grant Lombard
Diane & Roland Loranger
Maine Business Furniture, Inc.
Maine Lash Girl
Alan & Susan Willey Marston
Nancy & Rob Martin
Jeff McNabb
John F. McNabb, Jr.
Janice Miller
Susan Morehouse
Katy Nicketakis
Northern Data System
Patricia Olinger
Maggie O’Neil
Palace Playland Association, LLC
Gregory & Cathy Paradis
Pennell Printing
PeoplesChoice Credit Union
Mark & Patricia Boutet Peterson
Pine Tree Food Equipment
Prudential Financial, Inc.
Ricetta’s Brick Oven Ristorante
River Drive Cooperage & Millwork
Matthew Ruben
Ralph F. & Catherine Rumery
David & Nicole C. Tillyer Ryan
Peter & Bridget Scontras
Horst Seeley
Donald & Susan Sharland
Andrei Sherstiuk
SMHC Sports Performance Center
Andy Locke & Lynne Colpitts Smith
William J. Soucy, Sr.
Sunflower Farm
Susan B. Tarver
Mary Blow Thurlow
Townsquare Media – Q97.9
W. David & Anna Kosta Verrill
Robert A. Wentworth
Westport Educational Counseling
Sheila Austin Wyatt
Centennial Club
Gifts of $100 to $149
Anonymous (4)
Acupuncture by Meret
Alan & Sharon Staples Alexander
Matthew Amoroso
Paula Langelier Armstrong
James & Marguerite Cote Audiffred
Mary Gay Baldyga
Beaupre Fuels
Stephen & Sussanna Smith Bedell
Biddeford Ice Arena
Chad & Hollie Binette
Cindy Blake
Justin & Jill Santamore Blake
Thomas & Janet Blesso
John & Carolyn Allen Blunt
Ronald & Rachel Bolduc
Mary-Louise Ridley Boucouvalas
Helen Lundy Boyd
John Bright
Nancy Atkinson Brookshire
Pauline Brown
Elizabeth Menard Brumback
Allen L. & Laura Gray Burnham
Donald Burnham
James & Donna Buttarazzi
Carrie Callahan
Capozza Tile Company, Inc.
Sally Gochie Chase
Nate R. Chesley
Cleaning by Chris
Richard & Helen McAuliffe Corriveau
Cottage Breeze Day Spa & Boutique
Creative Office Pavilion
AdriAnne Curtis
Marc & Kim Davidson
Pamela Estes Davis
Victor DePoalo
David Deschambeault
Mike Desjardins
Peter & Nancy Diakos
David & Linda Dickson
Richard Drown
Carolyn Fogg Drury
David & Nicole Paquette Dube
Claudia Bell Ferguson
Stephen Fink
Karen & Frederick Fortier
Darlene King Frazier
Daniel Frost
Greg Gagnon
Isaac D. Gagnon
Sarah Willett Garriepy
Paul Genthner
William E. & Sally Gilpatric
Golden Rooster Restaurant
Peter C. & Lorraine Gordon
Ann Scammon Grant
Stacy Grant
Carol Begley Gray
Susan Andrews Guignard
Hampton Inn Saco
John & Winona Hanning
Vita Gerardi Hansmeyer
Bethany Hanson
William W. & Dixie Anderson Harris
Robert P. Hewes, Ph.D.
Dexter Hill, Jr.
Lisa Hill
Homestead by the River Family
Mark Howe
Joan S. Hurrell
Robert & Joan Johnson Hurrell
Lynne Cunningham Jackson
Kevin Jordan
Joseph’s By The Sea
Tom & Sam McAuliffe Kane
Debra Ketchum
Bill & Jean Taylor Kimball
Koi Restaurant
Sandra Koutoulakos-Miminos
Stephanie Koutoulakos Koutroulis
Robert & Jean Labonte