Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Fall 2016 | Page 12

Maria Arabatzis ’05: Investments Change The World BY EMMA DEANS Maria Arabatzis ’05 describes socially responsible investing as how her clients can “make money and do good at the same time.” As a Portfolio Manager and Social Investment Coordinator for Reynders, McVeigh Capital Management in Boston, she focuses on long-term growth and sustainability for her clients’ assets. Maria researches companies and projects that will deliver the best assets to support her clients, while also providing positive social and environmental outcomes. For example, common investments of this type include those that work to combat climate change, create energy efficiency, and generate low-cost healthcare. This ethical investment strategy influences Maria’s personal life. She consistently donates to the Thornton Fund, which provides critical support to the school’s academics, and extracurricular programs. Maria advocates for establishing regular philanthropic and investment practices, “My parents taught me from a young age to give back to the people and places who have helped form and support my life. TA did a lot for me—it got me to college and set up the framework for my career. I think it’s important to build the habit of giving back at a young age, even if it’s not a lot,” she said. One of seven children, Maria enjoyed playing soccer as a student at TA and credits Mr. Gagne’s AP History course for changing her way of thinking about the world. She has a master’s degree in Business Administration and a 12 bachelor’s degree in Management from Clark University, as well as a certificate in Community Development Finance from the University of New Hampshire. In her free time, Maria mentors social entrepreneurs through the Social Innovation Forum (SIF), a nonprofit that creates positive social change in greater Boston by engaging leaders, strengthening organizations, and building networks. She also serves on the Board of Directors for one of SIF’s “Social Innovator” organizations called Press Pass TV (PPTV), which works at the intersection of youth development, career readiness, and media production to maximize social impact. PPTV provides nonprofits, small businesses, and corporate clients with industry standard video and photography services by training low-income youth in digital media and video production skills. Maria Arabatzis ’05 (far left, front row) is pictured with the Board of Directors for Press Pass TV.