Phyllis Sanborn White ’ 45 : Leading an Adventurous Life
Phyllis Sanborn White ’ 45 : Leading an Adventurous Life
For Phyllis Sanborn White ’ 45 , life is about seeking out adventure , beauty , and wisdom . She once traveled to Florence , Italy with four of her female friends . One of the women , an art teacher , guided the group to the “ underground ” Italian art world inaccessible to the general public . Phyllis has also accompanied both of her grandchildren on sightseeing vacations to London and embarked on an emotional trip to Germany with her husband , Jack .* They visited Dachau Concentration Camp , where ( including the numerous subsidiary camps ) 200,000 persons from all over Europe were imprisoned and 41,500 were murdered . Why seek out such life altering experiences ? “ I want to be acquainted with the world ,” she said .
Phyllis worked for three years in nursing before shifting to a psychology career . She earned a bachelor ’ s degree from Eastern Nazarene College in Massachusetts and a master ’ s degree from Bowie State College in Maryland , which led to a long career as a therapist for children , adolescents , and adults . She said the most rewarding aspect of her job was “ seeing people move from despair into a life they could handle well … I liked to see the evolution of people in consciousness .” She also enjoyed mentoring new therapists and helping them progress in their practices .
In looking back on her high school days , Phyllis said , “ There were no buses — we walked to school rain or shine .” She remembers picking blueberries in the rural fields on her daily commute to Thornton Academy . Her father , Phillip Sanborn , had not finished 9th grade , instead opting to work in the woods and establish the very successful Saco Brick Company . “ He was extremely intelligent ,” Phyllis said . Her mother , Ruth , was an excellent stenographer and both of her parents were “ vey well liked by the community ,” she said .
Phyllis enjoys seeing Thornton ’ s emphasis on global learning and its commitment to cultural diversity . “ Thornton Academy is very forward-looking . I ’ m very proud of TA and how the school has evolved .” She hopes that students dare to adventure into the world like she has , “ As children grow up they should step out of their comfort zone .” Phyllis advises , “ Go deep . Pay attention to spirit . If you can overcome your hesitancy and fear , the whole world opens up for you .”
* Phyllis and Jack now reside in Fort Myers , Florida , and they have two children , Kathryn and David , who live in Richmond , Virginia . Photos L to R : Phyllis and her husband Jack ( right ) with friends in Grindelwald , Switzerland ; Phyllis and her father Phillip Sanborn in Saco ; Phyllis and Jack with their grandchildren Jonathan ( now age 33 ) and Sara ( now age 31 ); and Phyllis on a trip to Italy .