Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Fall 2014 | Page 30

Bill and Jean Taylor Kimball Linda Morancy Kimball Andy Kochis Rick Kochis Christopher Kohl Shirley Harrisburg Korobkin Peter Krause Lisa Labonte Lisa Libby LaBrecque Raymond and Doris Lafortune James and Christy Dudley Lajoie Samantha Korpaczewski Lane Gary and Catherine Roberts Larkin Caryn Lasante Jean Roberts Leach Christopher M. Leclerc Jacqueline R. Ledoux Roland Ledoux Ronald Ledoux Steven Ledoux Donna Hill Lee Joseph C. and Patricia LePauloue Joseph LePauloue Nina Hyland LeProhon Ken Letourneau Barry and Ellen Haas Levine Jia Wen Liang Marlene Grant Lombard Marjorie A. Mullen Lord Jeremy Lowell Alan Lukas Jane Maclean Krissy Mailman Lance and Nancy Mailman Jane Bellevue Maloney Jerry and Liz Mansfield Rebecca L. Manson-Rioux Ellen Skea Marshall Esther Burnside Martindale Richard A. Maxwell Anna Pochebit Mazeiko Christopher McCallum Frances Rowell McDonald Donald McIver Constance McLeod David McNabb Dennis and Paula Benoit McNabb Eleanor Payzant Mercier Maurice Merrill John and Jennifer Merry Jeffrey Meserve Donald and Tricia Metayer Richard and Angelique Paquette Milliard 30 Sylvia-Anne Moore Abigail More Pamela Buck Moriarty Jerry and Lisa Morin Vanessa Morin Denise Auger Morrill Ernie Morrill Arlene Maddox Murchison Edna Nadeau Guy R. Nadeau Muriel Thompson Nado William Nason Erin M. Nelson Katherine Nicketakis Harry and Deborah Larose Nielson Luke Nielson Rosemary Aaron Nitkin Norway Savings Bank Karen Trottier O’Connor Margaret Orlandella Michael and Nancy Heffernan O’Toole Eric Ott Shawn and Amy Huot Ouellette William Ouellette Marc and Kim Paquette Douglas Parker Shirley Peck Harold Pendleton Janice L. Pendleton Thomas Perkins Mark and Patricia Boutet Peterson Kenneth W and Nancy Scamman Pike . Paul and Mary Anderson Pinette Renate Lehrke-Pinnow Tamara L. Pisani Nathaniel Poissant Janet Burrill Polanski Pauline Pollock Cheri Gowen Poulin Jonathan Prak Michael and Carol Prejean Maryellen Pribish Virginia Waterhouse Procter Janet Leary-Prowse Raymond and Marshalyne Pullen Geoff and Sally Pulsifer Thomas Quentin Tom and Marta Rackmales Russell M. Randall Bobbie Rausch Pat Rhames Leone Cloutier Rickabaugh Daphne Contraros Rioux Bryce and Meredith Searle Roberts Michael and Michelle Roberts Pamela Roberts and Scott McInturff Heather N. Robinson Jeffrey Robinson Katelyn Roedner Lori Belanger Roop Erica Breznovits Rosciszewski Kevin Rouselle Bruce L. Ruben Shawn Rumery Daryl and Camille Curtis Saucier Elizabeth Milliken Schumaker Horst Seeley Nicole Sevigny Arnold C*. and Barbara Shapiro Joe Anne Sheilds Robert Simkowitz Barbara Bail Simpson Annie Sirois Ian P. Sladen Carl and Lorali Roth Smith Donna Milliken Snow Alegra Eunson Soorus Susan Mondor Spath Robert and Rose Spulick Ken St. Onge Daniel St. Ours Wendy Gobeil St. Pierre Heather Huot Stachtiaris Doug and Jennifer Witherell-Stebbins David E. Stevens Scott Stinchcomb Bethany Lowe Stotler Kellie A. Therriault Guy and Marion Thivierge Suzanne P. Thivierge Daniel R. Trottier Tracie Saucier True Albert G. Tweedie Constance Danis Vadnais John B. Viets Marjorie Gould Viets* Jennywren Walker Jeffrey Waters Robert A. Weiss Tina Wescott Patricia Weyand Hannah Dolby Whittaker Michelle Bissonnette Winn Aldin Winslowet-Alps Christine C. Gowen Wong POSTSCRIPTS Patti Wright Elizabeth Wrigley Steven G. Xanthopoulos M.D. Stephen and Maria Hadiaris Zafirson Matching Gift Supporters Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation ExxonMobil Foundation, Inc. Fidelity Foundation KeyBank Prudential Foundation UBS Foundation USA Unum Corporation Wells Fargo Foundation Memorial Gifts 1973 Classmates who are no longer with us By: Debbie Alley Robertson Dr. Joyce Bonenberger-Brough ‘80 By: David C. Brunelle Beverly A. Bell ‘50 By: Mahlon L. and Marie Lary Petro Boucouvalas ‘46 By: Steve and Michelle Boucouvalas By: Carol Johnson By: Edna Nadeau Margaret Peck Brown ‘61 and Daniel Peck, Jr. ‘57 By: Shirley Peck Nancy Smith Burt ‘51 By: O.W. and Patricia Hobbs Bedell By: Marjorie Lamb Burgin By: Josephine Chute Chase By: Frederick and Virginia Brown Dupee, Jr. By: John E. Edfors By: William and Constance Tripp Farrington By: Audrey Cole Fogg By: Helena Cardin Gannon By: Nancy Guiney Grant By: Anita Tito Ifantides By: William and Mary Atkinson Johnson By: Arlene Maddox Murchison By: Muriel Thompson Nado By: Arnold C*. and Barbara Shapiro Edward Chadbourne ‘49