Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Fall 2014 | Page 29
Roger C. Turcotte
Steve and Nancy Turgeon
Henry M. Vermette
David A. Wagabaza
K. Aldene Walters
Neil D. West
Dianne Wormwood Williams
Harriet Larkin Wilson
Charles and Irene Colpitts Wood, Jr.
David H. Wormwood
Gail Chadbourne Wright
Joan Crogan Youngs
Eleanor Mahaney Zdanowicz
Matthew L. Zehner
Golden Trojan Club
Gifts of $5 to $99
Brent and Erin Abbott
Elizabeth Mazeiko Abdulla
Joanne Foss Allen
Kathy Allen
Juliette Apicella and Rob Ebersol
Ann E. Barker
Barbara Barklow
Lois Barth
Ethel Boothby Beaudoin
Jacobie Beaudoin
Roland and Patricia Martin
O.W. and Patricia Hobbs Bedell
Jean Begin
Nicholas Belair
Susan Frappier Bellerose
James and Charlene Bickford
James and Susan Lamontagne
Black III
Sarah Black
Mary Gochie Blaisdell
Christine Babcock Blake
Danielle R. Bogardus
James E. Boissonneault
Steve and Lisa Boissonneault
Christopher C. Boucouvalas
Mary-Louise Ridley Boucouvalas
Harold and Elsie Murray Boudreau
Margaret “Peggy” Moore Bourque
Lawrence and Deborah Bowie
Tammie Bradley
Brandon Briggs
Harlow L. Brown
Christina Brandt Buckley
Craig and Angela Sabo Burgess
Marjorie Lamb Burgin
Susan Canning Burnell
Melissa L. Brancely Burns
Elizabeth Bussiere-Nichols
Walter and Charlotte Butler
Paul E. Cabana
Brian L. Callahan
Sarah Camire
Cody Carrier
Sarah Carrier
Jason R. Cassette
Elaine Chadbourne
Josephine Chute Chase
Karen Chasse
Donald and Frances Watson Church
Ingrid Claesson
Richard and Janice Kirkby Clark
Thomas Clarke
John and Gail Cloutier
Sara and Robert Cody
Alton B. Cole
Eleanor Perkins Cool
Samantha Cote
Sophocles Cotsis
Albert L. Couture
George A. Currier
AdriAnne Curtis
Scott and Cathy Cyr
Debra A. Auger Dauley
Pamela Estes Davis
Patrick Davis
Francis T. Decoteau
Josh and Alisha Delcourt
Richard and Madeleine Cote
Margaret Patterson
Amy Levasseur DesRoberts
Jacob and Jenna Bolduc
Nichole and Ryan Desrochers
Catherine Blunt Dexter
Beverly Grant Dodge
Christopher and Hilaire
Savage Doiron
Robert and Patricia Aube Doiron
Keith and Mary-Bess Libby
Nicholas and Christina
Doukeris Superina
Norman R. Dubois
Todd and Lisa Smith Duchaine
Frederick and Virginia Brown
Dupee, Jr.
John E. Edfors
Sam L. Cohen Foundation Gift
In the spring of 2014, Thornton Academy received a
$20,000 grant from the South Portland-based
Sam L. Cohen Foundation. The awarded funds support
Thornton’s three-pronged Science-TechnologyEngineering-Math (STEM) initiative that includes:
a STEM diploma endorsement and articulation
agreement with University of Maine’s College of
Engineering, a Jobs for Maine Graduates (JMG)
program, and a pilot course with the National
Machinists Association (NTMA-U). The grant will
support program and capital costs for these and other
STEM programs as part of Thornton’s “21st Century
Curriculum-to-Career Initiative.”
Patricia C. Jean Ekster
Patricia Erikson
William and Constance Tripp
Richard Fecteau
Christine Felser
Lucille Martin Fennell
David and Barbara Warren Field
Audrey Cole Fogg
Joan Folker
Edmund and Lauren Chenard
Thomas Foran
Avis Thurston Ford
Jerry Forte
Kenneth S. Foss
Marie Fritzsche
Barry and Roberta Sargent Gallant
Roberta Sargent Gallant
Helena Cardin Gannon
Marjorie Garon
David and Lisa Gib