Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Fall 2010 | Page 29

first competition held earlier this year in Rhode Island. Next up are competitions in New Hampshire, Boston and Connecticut. Tom’s team was Hurf Durf and they picked up a first place win and a number of other awards. Katelyn Roedner is currently teaching high school math in New Orleans as a part of Teach for America. Christina M. Soyden is serving as an AmeriCorps*VISTA in Rock Hill, South Carolina at Winthrop University. She is organizing service learning projects for the freshmen class. Joshua L. Vanjani graduated from Salve Regina University, Newport, Rhode Island with a degree in English Communication. 2006 Kristina Dumas graduated from The College of William and Mary in Virginia in May. In August Kristina moved to Seattle, Washington and now works for an environmental advocacy organization, Environment Washington. Katie Janelle has moved to the Pittsburgh region where she is finishing her BA in Anthropology/ Geography, with a minor in History from University of Southern Maine. She will be interning at Carnegie’s Museum of Natural History. After this year and graduation in May 2011, she plans to pursue a Masters in Museum Studies. Cody Menard joined the United States Air Force January 2009. He is currently an Airman First Class stationed at Dover AFB, Delaware. He will deploy to Camp Arifjan Kawait in February 2011 for seven months joint task with the Army for convoys. Cody was recognized for military dignitaries such as Brigadier General Leodis Jennings, special assistant to the deputy chief of staff, and General James Cartwright Vice Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff. John Pecchia graduated from the University of New England in spring 2010 with a Bachelors of Science in Applied Exercise Science. John is currently enrolled at Ball State University in Indiana pursuing a Master’s Degree in Sports Performance. Jill Santamore graduated from The College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Massachusetts on May 28, 2010, with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology and Religious Studies. While at Holy Cross Jill was involved in Residential Life Programs and was a Resident Assistant for 3 years. She was the recipient of the “Outstanding Service to the Worcester Community Award” at the Annual Holy Cross Leadership Awards Banquet. Jill has returned to Maine and is pursuing a Masters in Social Work Degree at University of Southern Maine in September 2010. 2007 Kayla Greaton writes, “Currently I am a last year student at Southern Maine Community College majoring in Early Childhood Education. Once I graduate to go onto UMaine Farmington to get a Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood with a concentration in K-3. In my spare time, I work at the child center at my college. I also love hanging out with people that mean a lot to me.” Rebecca Leach completed her 2009 Fall semester in Ireland at the University College of Dublin. Rebecca is back studying her Spring semester at Stonehill College, Easton, Massachusetts. Vanessa Sassman writes, “Life is great! I’m working full time for the Maine Army National Guard and spending time with friends and family when I can. Earlier this year I spent a lot of time competing in Soldier of the Year (SOY) competitions for the Guard. I won the State SOY competition in April. I went on to get third place at the regional competition at Camp Smith, New York in May! It was a great experience and a lot of work. I’m sure it will help to further my career!” David Saucier has been in Army now for three years. He was stationed in Germany for one of those years and was deployed to Afghanistan in 2009. Recently, he has re-enlisted to stay in for two more years. He is now stationed in Fort Drum, New York. David is engaged and plans to marry shortly before his next deployment to Afghanistan in 2011. 2008 Miranda Lynne Durfee of Saco and Petty Officer Luis A. Caban II were married on August 20, 2010 at the Grand Floridian Resort at Disney Orlango, Florida. Zacharia Matthews recently returned from a six month tour in Kabul Afghanistan. Gabriel Noblesmith attends UMaine, and is spending the summer at a NASA program for college students on Ames Airbase in California Alexandria R. Roberts is in her Junior year at Saint Michael’s College in Colchester, Vermont. She will be spending the spring semester studying abroad in London with Boston University’s International Program. Brittany Sawyer is now a Junior at Sacred Heart University in the )Q