Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Fall 2010 | Page 27
announce the birth of their son,
Bennett, born on August 13, 2010.
Denise Cote married David Aldrich
on January 9, 2010. David is a CW2
in the US Army. He is currently
stationed in Iraq and is expected to
come home in mid-2011. They are
expecting twins in February, 2011.
The babies will join older siblings
Andrew, six and Noella, five.
Lisa Labonte Crane and her
husband, Adam welcomed another
daughter on March 13, 2010, Maria
Elizabeth. She joins her big sister,
Catherine. Lisa recently returned to
work part-time as a fundraiser for
a nonprofit child welfare agency in
Jenny Bouffard Straetz gave
birth to her first child, a son,
Colin on July 8, 2010. Jenny has
been married for three years with
husband Jason. The family lives
in Saco. Jenny has been working
for Kennebunk Savings in the
Marketing Department for six
Amanda Brewer Tripp and
Andrew Tripp ’97 just welcomed a
son, William, in May. William joins
his three year old sister Maggie!
Class Agents
Amy Levasseur DesRoberts
48 McKenney Rd
Saco, ME 04072-9355
207-284-0401 or
[email protected]
Melissa Boisvert Pennell
75 Shadagee Rd
Saco, ME 04072-2415
207-332-9694 or
[email protected]
Ryan True
4 Chelsea Cir
Saco, ME 04072-9698
[email protected]
Marsh Corey Gray returned to
Thornton Academy this year as
an assistant coach and offensive
coordinator for the boy’s varsity
lacrosse team. He helped the
Trojans earn its first opportunity
to compete for the Western
Maine Class A Boys Lacrosse
Andrew Tripp and Amanda
Brewer Tripp ’96 just welcomed a
son, William, in May. William joins
his three year old sister Maggie!
Class Agent
Caron Smith Pelletier
365 Main St Apt 1
Saco, ME 04072-1520
Christopher Carpenter writes, “I
have a healthy one year old son
named Bradyn with my lovely wife
named Holly. I am currently on my
second tour in Iraq - Suppporting
Operation New Dawn as a surgical
Kevin Duross and his wife Katie
Libby Duross ’01 welcomed their
daughter, Avery Quinn Duross, to
the world on July 30, 2010.
Emily LeBlanc was married on
July 10,2010 to Dan Morin of
Kennebunk. The couple resides in
Class Agent
Benjamin Harris
271 Buzzell Rd
Dayton, ME 04005-7318
207-499-7725 or
[email protected]
Cory Lamontagne celebrated his
10th wedding anniversary to Jamie
Smith Lamontagne on September
16. They are excited to welcome
their first child in February.
Victoria Wilson Russell writes, “My
husband Jason and I live in East
Fallowfield, Pennsylvania and have
three boys ages five, four and two.
We are expecting our fourth baby
in February. I am a stay at home
mom and homeschooling my first
son in Kindergarten this year. My
husband and I recently participated
in starting a new church in
Downingtown, Pennsylvania called
Brandywine Grace Church where
we are very involved. I’d love to
hear from anyone from the class of
’99. ’99 RULES!!”
Erin Clyatt DiDonato and her
husband, Jason, welcomed Ella
Marie to their family on June 17,
2010. She joins big brother Blake
who is three years old.
Katherine Myers Inserra is still
residing in Seattle, Washington
while her husband, Sean is
deployed with the US Navy for
the majority of the next year
on the USS Abraham 1