Third Wave Fashion // OCTOBER 2013 // THE PRIVACY ISSUE | Page 13
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what’s the
Put simply: the singularity is the predicted moment in time in which computers
become smarter than humans.
Relying heavily on AI, or artificial intelligence, and molecular science, the
technological singularity evokes images of 2001: A Space Odyssey. In the movie,
the spacecra’s onboard computer, HAL, develops fatal intentions towards its
human occupants. It’s a frightening idea; however, it’s one with a lot of merit.
Proponents of the event predict that it will occur sometime between the years
2030 and 2045. We can use computers to 3D print living organs. Harvard
researchers are actively developing mind control technologies. (Yes, really.)
In many ways, our computers already know more than we do. Google Glass
remembers more people than you do. My phone knows how many Starbucks
lattes I’ve had in the past year, and when I’m likely to go back in. My favorite
shopping sites know when I am primed to purchase. ere are jackets that can
sense when you need a hug – and give you one. Comforting or not?
While we’re not suggesting killing your computer, we do think it’s worth thinking
about the implications of where technology is heading: into a new
interconnectedness, a world made of big data, a world where devices have
become our jewelry and we never take them off.
We may not be able to stop where we’re heading, but we should at least think
about what it might look like.
Further resources about the Singularity //
Ray Kurzweil’s seminal book, e Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology
e ‘Countdown to Singularity’ chart
Singularity Hub: Science. Technology. e Future of Humanity.
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