Third Wave Fashion // JULY 2013 // THE WEDDING TECH ISSUE | Page 9

Every month the fashion tech industry gets rocked by new and emerging technology, groundbreaking wearable inventions, and startup news. Here are the happenings from last month that you need to know. BURBERRY AND GOOGLE KISS DISTANCE GOODBYE Luxury fashion house Burberry continues to expand its digital footprint. e company has teamed up with Google to give users on mobile or Google Chrome the ability to send their kiss in the form of a postcard. e postcard pairs Google street view and scenery to make a memorable impact. - PSFK VODAFONE CREATES HIGH POWERED FESTIVAL GEAR Vodafone, in collaboration with the University of Southampton’s Electronics and Computer Science Department, has created high powered festival gear. ermoelectric technology used in shorts and a sleeping bag will be tested throughout the festival season. e “Power Pockets” can charge tablets and smartphones. - PSFK THREADFLIP UPGRADES MOBILE APP, SEES TRAFFIC SURGE readflip gave their iOS application a faceli aer seeing a jump in mobile usage. ey continue to see growth as buyers turn to sellers in the online marketplace. Aer raising $6.5M earlier this month, the company looks to mobile to drive revenue with a unique feature: a universal shopping cart. - TechCrunch // 6