Third Wave Fashion // AUGUST 2013 | Page 34

What was the inspiration behind creating inSparq? Startups like Fab, Gilt and Rent the Runway have been using social commerce strategies to make their sites more sticky and to drive referrals. Traditional retailers were looking to implement similar solutions, but didn’t necessarily have the technical expertise. is is why we built inSparq. We started the company by building a Sharing + Rewards product to drive virality on retailer sites. It was incredibly successful with more than one thousand sites installing the sharing widget. We then realized our real asset was our social data and using this activity to highlight and recommend products to shoppers. Aer speaking with customers about their needs,  we built the Trending Products Feed as a solution for improving product discovery and making ecommerce sites more dynamic. e initial results from this product speak for themselves -- 2X improvement in conversion and 3X li in social actions from the ecommerce site.   retailers are now seeing the benefit of social merchandising solutions and are looking to jump in. At inSparq, we are interested in making online shopping as fun, as engaging and as sticky as offline commerce. Of course, we think social is the key ingredient for doing so. Social has long proven to be great for cost effective customer referrals, but that’s not its only benefit. Social also has the added benefit of capturing customers interests and desires. If this data is used for merchandising, the implications are very powerful. e inSparq Trending Products Feed shows what’s trending on the site in real-time, essentially recommending products based on customer driven trends. e Feed helps customers discover new products, share their favorite products and validate purchase decisions. And, the solution works — retailers are seeing click through rates of over 15% and conversion rates on the Trending Products Feed are more than two times higher than the retailer site overall. ese solutions work on any ecommerce store so that emerging retailers like Lolly Wolly Doodle can create the same social shopping experience as startups like Fab. You can see the experience live on How do you see social shopping evolving? Retailers are already looking for unique and innovative third-party solutions to transform the social shopping experience. Previously retailers tried opening stores on social networks like Facebook. Now, it’s all about connecting customers on their existing ecommerce shop. We see more and more traditional retailers embracing social strategies and leveraging social to more effectively merchandise products to their customers -- it’s natural evolution. What does the future hold for inSparq? We think dynamic merchandising and product discovery are driving the next wave of innovations in retail and we’re excited to help retailers embrace this wave. inSparq has a bright future ahead. Retailers are starting to see the importance of social merchandising -- we are getting more and more inbound demand as a result. What do you think has lead to the movement of social shopping? We are building new products based on this demand and will be rolling out mobile optimization, opening up our API and experimenting with campaign based promotions inside our Trending Products Feed. Our technology is evolving to stay aligned with our mission to improve product discovery and social engagement for major retailers. Social shopping is dynamically reshaping the ecommerce space as more and more sales move from offline to online. People are naturally social and offline shopping has always been a social experience. As shopping shis to online, customers are naturally gravitating to sites that are social.   To date, most of the social innovation has come from startups like Fab, Gilt and Rent the Runway. ese startups were looking for ways to ܛ