Third Wave Fashion // AUGUST 2013 | Page 30

M OV E R S & S HA K E R S How do you differentiate company from other virtual closet shopping platforms? Bib + Tuck is all about giving and taking, not just giving or taking. ere are a lot of places online where you can sell your clothes but we didn’t like the existing dynamic. We set out to create a community where real money was secondary to participation. Bib + Tuck is more than just a marketplace. We are a brand, a lifestyle, a community, a point of view. At Bib + Tuck, you won't have to scroll through pages of mom jeans and Juicy sweatpants to find something you like. It's a beautifully curated experience. Is B+T currency meant to be equivalent to dollars? Do you find customers relatively honest in the evaluation of their products' worth? Yes, and we try really hard to maintain that exchange rate to keep things simple and transparent for our members. Members are usually honest, but like with any economy, a currency's value depends on supply and demand. We work hard to track key inventory related metrics to keep the system in balance. What was the most challenging aspect of getting Bib + Tuck started? How did you overcome it and what did you learn? Having enough courage to drop our stable careers and take a big risk was the biggest challenge. When you're getting started and have nothing to show, it's easy to doubt yourself, or let other people's doubts affect your determination. You resolve that with hard work, building self confidence, persistence despite fear, having the humility to understand that it doesn't come easy, and a recognition that accepting help does not equate to weakness. From the beginning, Sari and I built an incredible advisory board and surrounded ourselves with the best and brightest; we couldn't have done it without them. What does a typical day for the two of you look like? No day is ever the same and we each structure our days differently, but it usually starts with a Yoga class and ends with a work dinner. e in-between includes stress, coffee or tea, a plethora of emails, panicking, checking our Google analytics, caffeine rush, product development meetings, brainstorming, as well as much more. What are some interesting facts about yourselves that are unrelated to business? Sari A: I've watched nearly every TED Talk, I've never in my life had coffee, I quote Forrest Gump too oen, I LOVE jazz, I will probably beat you playing Backgammon, I met my husband when I was 17 and we dated for eight years before getting married, I consistently have a pile of books on my nightstand ready for reading, yet I continue to buy new ones to add to the pile; I wake up at 6:30am everyday to do yoga, I am deathly afraid of cats, and I strongly believe fruit should not be considered dessert. Sari B: I'm a triple minority, I can fix computers and TVs with my bare hands, I wanted to be a spy or actor when I grew up, I'm stronger than you think, I'm married to a French man, I'm terrified of bees, I used to give salsa dancing classes, and I could honestly drink wine and chat with friends for days without stopping. Circa 2040, you'll find me traveling the world on a magic carpet. What does the future hold for Bib + Tuck? Ultimately, our vision is to make barter sexy and transform the way fashion is consumed.  We are incredibly passionate about environmentally sustainable fashion, creative reuse, recycling clothes, and promoting a simpler life. Most people don't know that it requires 1,200 gallons of water just to grow the cotton needed to make a single pair of jeans. When you buy a pair on Bib + Tuck, you save this water and help protect Earth's most precious commodity. Being able to easily share/sell your clothes is a game changer. We strongly believe this is just the beginning of a fundamental change in the way we shop, and we have a big opportunity to make a difference. Stay tuned for the launch of our iPhone app soon, our repurposed clothing line, and some exciting collaborations and features coming up!