Third Wave Fashion // AUGUST 2013 | Page 24

last month’s EVENTS Event Image via Style Coalition Each month we get the opportunity to attend some of the most exciting, innovative events in our industry. July was no exception, centering around product demos and networking events, along with an inspired exchange of expertise between fashion tech professionals. Check out our highlights from the key events of the month. On July 12th Fosterly teamed up with Lisa Morales-Hellebo of Shopsy to host their first ever Fashion Tech Study Hall at the AOL/Huffington Post office in Manhattan. e goal for this day-long event was to offer a collaborative environment for industry professionals and fresh faced startups to meet, discuss and tackle the most prominent issues in fashion tech. As the event was limited to fiy attendees, it made for an almost intimate experience of connecting and sharing expertise with people from all walks of life, including fashion, tech, marketing, and editorial. Coming away from the Study Hall, we felt encouraged by the strong community bonds that were formed. Content strategists met with startups, community managers with editorial leads, developers with brands; we saw pretty much every combination you could imagine. People went into the event wanting to hear solutions but oen found that they themselves could provide insight for others. Marking the midpoint of the month on July 16th, Style Coalition celebrated its five year anniversary by hosting a Fashion 2.0 + Open Mic meetup. Entrepreneurs and innovators met to watch ten startups present their companies and gain instant feedback from an expert panel made up of Sim Blaustein of Bertelsmann Digital Media Investments, Murat Aktihanoglu of ER Accelerator, and Lauren Indvik from Mashable. roughout the night, startups stepped up one by one to the mic to pitch their company concepts. e team from Ahalogy & Krupp Group talked about creating greater ROI from Pinterest, while Brayola is trying to solve the age-old problem of fit when it comes to finding new bras. Rank & Style showed the audience how its platform takes the work out of finding the best items in any given category. Reprisal has worked to create a database to blacklist fraudulent merchants and hopes to eventually develop an API. StyleShoots presented an innovative photo station that streamlines the process of taking pictures of goods and uploading them to web. TrendsGirl talked about providing affordable solutions to style through a monthly accessories subscription box service and VeriFund offered a new crowdfunding platform for designers to help them figure out what to produce and what is trending for the next season. WiShi spoke to the audience about its virtual wardrobe platform that allows anyone to become a stylist and offer suggestions to enhance your wardrobe. Finally, team ZAOZAO spoke about their creation of a crowdfunding platform for Asian inspired one of a kind creations. e take home message from the experts for the night was to be bold, confident and at the ready when pitching your company. Having run through the demo time quicker than expected, the floor was opened up to anyone in the audience wanting to give a quick micropitch. It was exciting to see people gather their confidence and stand up to quickly run through their company’s description. // 22