@ aisteb1973
Continue to work in rib 1x1 for 16 more rows or 8 cm total , end with WS row . Work 1 row in St st , increasing 2 ( 4 , 3 , 5 , 4 ) sts evenly across the row with M1R . There are 47 ( 51 , 54 , 58 , 61 ) sts now on needles .
Switch to main US10,5 ( 6,5 mm ) needles and continue to work in St st . Work straight for 42 rows total , counting from ribbing , end with WS row . Transfer all sts to a spare circular needle temporarily , don ’ t break yarn .
Re-join yarn from a separate skein for pocket . Put knitted piece of right front on flat surface with RS up . Find 8 th row of St st and mark 10 th ( 11 th , 13 th , 15 th , 16 th ) and 34 th ( 36 th , 38 th , 41 st , 43 d ) st with markers , counting from side line .
With a crochet hook holding it behind the piece , draw approximately 1 meter of yarn to WS between 34 th and 35 th ( 36 th and 37 th , 38 th and 39 th , 41 st and 42 nd , 43 d and 44 th ) sts .
From RS make one yarn over on needle ( pocket selvage st ), insert needle into 34 th ( 36 th , 38 th , 41 st , 43 d ) and pick up st . Continue to pick up sts along 8 th row to 10 th ( 11 th , 13 th , 15 th , 16 th ) st included and one more selvage st between 9 th and 10 th ( 10 th and 11 th , 12 th and 13 th , 14 th and 15 th , 15 th and 16 th ) sts . There are 27 ( 28 , 28 , 29 , 30 ) sts on needle total .
Transfer picked up sts to LH needle . Continue to work in St st . Work for 12 rows total , including row of picked up sts , end with RS row .
In the next WS row begin to work on a pocket opening .
Pocket opening shaping rows : slip 2 first sts purlwise with yarn in front , k1 , ssp , work row to end . In RS work edge sts of the pocket opening as they face you .
Continue to work as established , repeating pocket opening shaping rows 11 more times , end with RS row . Work one more row with US9 ( 5,5 mm ) needles , purling first and last 2 sts together so that selvage sts would roll inwards . End with this row , there are 13 ( 14 , 14 , 15 , 16 ) sts on needles . Break yarn , leaving long enough tail for sewing long side of pocket to front later on .
Then join top part of pocket with front . Return front sts to working US10 ( 6,0 mm ) needle , k14 ( k15 , k16 , k17 , k18 ) sts , then knit 1 st of pocket together with corresponding st of front as if 3 needle bind off , but leave sts live . Work over all pocket sts , end row as established .
With crochet hook draw to RS yarn tail left in WS after picking up pocket sts .
Continue to work front until there are 72 ( 72 , 70 , 68 , 66 ) rows total counting from ribbing , end with WS row . Place locking marker at end of this row to mark beginning of armhole .