@ aisteb1973
Vertical bust dart
Work 10 rows counting from row marked as beginning of armhole , end with WS row . In the next RS row count 24 ( 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 ) sts from center line ( outer band edge ) and place vertical bust dart marker , then work decrease row for vertical bust dart .
Decrease row for vertical bust dart : continuing to work as established work to 2 sts before vertical bust dart marker , ssk , slip marker , end as established .
Rep decrease row for vertical bust dart 1 ( 2 , 2 , 3 , 3 ) more times in every 20 th ( 14 th , 14 th , 10 th , 10 th ) row . Remove marker and continue to work as established .
Neckline shaping
Work total 112 ( 114 , 112 , 114 , 112 ) rows from ribbing , counting along center line ( or 108 ( 108 , 106 , 106 , 104 ) rows counting along side line ). In the next RS row work to last 12 ( 12 , 13 , 13 , 14 ) sts , transfer them to stitch holder . * Turn work , purl first 2 sts together , work row to end . Turn work . Work to last 2 sts , k2tog , rep from * 2 more times . Then continue to work straight as established .
Shoulder slope shaping with short rows
After you have worked 39 ( 39 , 41 , 43 , 45 ) rows of armhole total , end with RS row . In the next WS row work to last 4 ( 4 , 5 , 5 , 6 ) sts , wrap the next st and turn , work RS row to end and turn .
Right front
With US8 ( 5,0 mm ) straight needles and yarn B CO 45 ( 47 , 51 , 53 , 57 ) sts using Italian ribbing 1x1 cast on method . Then work in rib 1x1 as follows : selvage st , * p1 , k1 , rep from * to last 2 sts , p2 .
Join yarn A , switch to US9 ( 5,5 mm ) and on first 11 sts of row work set-up row for snap band as described below , place marker between 11 th and 12 th sts , that will mark snap band .
Snap band
Work as follows : slip 2 first sts knitwise with yarn in back , * p1 , slip 1 knitwise with yarn in back , rep from * 3 more times , p1 . End row in rib 1x1 . Turn work . Work WS row to marker , slip marker , work band sts in rib 1x1 as they face you , purling slipped sts , work to last 2 sts , p2 .
Continue to work band over first 11 sts as established above throughout until neckline shaping .
* In the next WS row work to 4 ( 5 , 5 , 6 , 6 ) sts before the wrapped st , wrap the next st and turn , work RS row to end and turn . Rep from * 2 more times .
In the next WS row work to 5 ( 5 , 6 , 6 , 6 ) sts before the wrapped st , wrap the next st and turn , work RS row to end and turn . Rep from * once more .
Work WS alignment row . Final front armhole height is 40 ( 40 , 42 , 44 , 46 ) rows . Transfer all remaining 33 ( 36 , 38 , 41 , 44 ) sts of shoulder to a spare circular needle .
All images , text , and illustrations © Aistė Butkevičienė , 2016 7