Business Lifestyle - Health
But overeating is more than just a brain
chemistry concern it includes so many other factors
that weave together to create the challenge of
overeating that so many of us face.
Get busy carrying out tasks that raise your heart
beat can help you burn an impressive amount of
calories. Regular walks, jogging having satisfying
sex two to three times per week can add as many as
three years to your life. Regular sex may also lower
your blood pressure, improve your sleep, boost your
immunity, and protect your heart.
10 signs indicating you
might just be overeating.
• Eating fast
• Eating without paying attention
• Eating without pleasure or nourishment
• Eating alone with a feeling of shame, guilt or
• Eating and feeling “heavy” afterwards
Eat more fruits and vegetables • A preoccupation with your weight
Getting fewer than three servings of fruits
and vegetables a day can eat away at your health.
Nutritional powerhouses filled with fiber and
vitamins, fruits and veggies can lower your risk of
heart disease by 76% and may even play a role in
decreasing your risk of breast cancer.
As an added bonus, the inflammation-fighting
and circulation-boosting powers of the antioxidants
in fruits and veggies can banish wrinkles. • A belief that even though you love food, it’s
still your “enemy”
• A history of weight fluctuations or a string of
unsuccessful diets
• A fear of appetite
A belief that life will be better if you can just
control your appetite and lose weight TB
Quit smoking
Quitting smoking is perhaps the single most
important thing you can do for your health—and
your life span. A study published in the American
Journal of Public Health found that women who quit
smoking by age 35 add roughly six to eight years
to their lives. It’s never too late to kick the habit.
Quitting can slow disease and increase survival odds
even in smokers who have already caused significant
damage to their lungs, like those with early lung
cancer or COPD.
Reach out
Research shows that you’re at greater risk of
heart disease without a strong network of fri ends
and family. Loneliness can cause inflammation,
and in otherwise healthy people it can be just
as dangerous as having high cholesterol or even
smoking. Loneliness seems to pose the greatest risk
for elderly people, who are also prone to depression.
Too much time taken in the use
of computer T.V’s and phones can
take a serious toll on your health.
Turn off the Gadgets
Too much time taken in the use of computer T.V’s
and phones can take a serious toll on your health. In
fact, a 2010 study found that people who watched four
or more hours a day were 46% more likely to die from
any cause than people who watched less than two
hours a day.
Even cutting back a little can help; each additional
hour you watch increases your overall risk of dying by
11% and dying from heart disease by 18% TB