Thing to know about Tinnitus: Symptoms, Cause, Remedies, and Treatmen Thing to know about Tinnitus: Symptoms, Cause, Rem | Page 18

You can ' t let something so unimportant as Tinnitus control your life . This defies all logic !
I did the same and managed to change my lifestyle completely .
I stopped smoking I lost 50 pounds in weight . I started to do work outs and go jogging I stopped worrying about Tinnitus In fact ... I stopped worrying about things I couldn ' t change I wrote an e book and created a website devoted to living with Tinnitus .
All these things I did myself . No help from anyone . I used Tinnitus as a base of energy and manipulated it to meet my own needs .
You know what ?... I still have the choir in my ears and it is still loud at time , but here again so is life . The only difference now is that I am the preacher and I am in control .
Happy preaching !