Thing to know about Tinnitus: Symptoms, Cause, Remedies, and Treatmen Thing to know about Tinnitus: Symptoms, Cause, Rem | Page 17

Tinnitus . We have already established that we would do anything to rid ourselves of this torture .
Tinnitus can be ignored . It ' s a simple trick . Like most tricks it has to be learnt and practiced .
One of my biggest dreams was learning to play the Didgeridoo . I went out and brought one and tried to teach myself to play it . After much frustration and days of trying to get a sound out of it , I finally succeeded . I got a looooong good sound out of it . It sounded really good . The only problem was that the sound diminished after 10 seconds because I had to breath IN The only sound that comes from a didgeridoo is when you breath OUT . The trick is something known as " circular breathing ". In other words , breathing in and out at the same time . Believe it or not , it ' s possible to breathe In and OUT at the same time and still live to tell the story . However , after weeks and weeks of practice , I learnt how to master " circular breathing ".
I hope you can see the point I am trying to make . Learning to ignore Tinnitus is like learning to play the didgeridoo . It needs practice and willpower in able to succeed .
Please let me repeat this phrase once more because it is very important you understand this .
You can learn to ignore Tinnitus if you know how . Anyone can learn to ignore Tinnitus .
Your mind has been finely tuned to ignore things its doesn ' t want to accept . This capability is evident in everyone alive . Think carefully , how many things do you forget or ignore because you don ' t like them .
Everyday we are confronted with elements we would rather forget .
Tinnitus is another one of them . Learn to reduce its importancy and concentrate more on enjoying quality time .
Its absolutely vital you start realizing that Tinnitus is NOT a disease . You are not sick and you are not suffering from a mental disorder ! You must get your life back on track again and start enjoying your life .
Tinnitus is a power that can be manipulated .
Haven ' t you been manipulated enough already ? Isn ' t it time you got yourself back into the driving seat and stated taking control again .