23 guarantee that in a retail environment there are plenty of opportunities to remove irritations and show the employees that the boss is listening. What can managers in other cities learn from the Chicago and New York retail employee walkouts, and what can they do if they see signs of mutiny in their own retail environment?  When a manager sees that something is wrong in the workplace, the first thing they should do is look in the mirror. Most problems in the workplace are caused by conflict that has occurred due to a manger's inattention to details, including not being in tune to employees who are dissatisfied for any number of reasons. Instead of seeking an answer by pointing the finger at a troublesome or non-productive employee, managers should ask themselves, 'What is the cause of these troubles?' If we leave aside the low pay issue, the causes of employee dissatisfaction almost certainly will be things that a Power of One boss can change and remedy. The above three examples are held true, I once worked at a World Resort where the expectations of the frontline worker were high and the pay in exchange was low. Even though tens of thousands of employees were working for the same low wages, the motivation, performance, and morale levels in their work environments were definitely not the same. What made the difference every time was the quality of frontline managers and team leaders who either used their "power of one" for elevation or destruction of workplace engagement. Not all employees can be motivated in the absence of the pay that they consider to be their "minimum." But not all employee dissatisfaction can be eliminated with an increase in pay either. The best that frontline retail managers can do is to create the highest level of employee satisfaction possible and support their employees on the frontline in achieving some kind of daily successes. Workplace engagement may not completely mitigate the National Minimum Wage issue, but it will keep the best frontline workers reporting to your workplace. When you've got the best retail or restaurant workplace in town and your employees know it, they won't want to deal with the alternatives waiting for them if they walkout for good. This is about common sense. People should be nice to each other, be honest, be restrained, be professional. And yet............ And yet……….. the behaviour of many retail managers is atrocious. The section that now follows come from personal experience or from the experience from associates, acquaintances and colleagues dodie ste®eo p®odu©tion ™ Page 23 of 36