tried to handle everyone the same way, all at once, across the board. I was wrong. Below
are some of my own experiences and tips.
How to be a Good Supervisor
And to recap here are some tips I consider how to be a better supervisor:
Always communicate with your staff. The longer you delay information, either to everyone
or to one person, the more difficult it will be for your staff to prepare for changes and listen
to you as a leader.
Do not assume anything
Just because someone made an error or mistake once, don't assume they will always do it
again. The same goes on the flip side. Just because someone always does good doesn't
mean they will always do good. I have had employees go from good to bad, and bad to
An employee’s problem(s) may not just be work
Employees can have problems outside of their work that could affect their work greatly. It
takes communication and talking to your staff member one-on-one to learn what that
problem is, and supporting them in getting better.
Forgive the mistakes!
Just because an employee makes a mistake, you shouldn't note it down in an evaluation or
immediately write them up for it. Mistakes happen. I have made mistakes. It's how we
learn and grown in our positions. Forgive and forget. On the other hand...........
Don't ignore multiple mistakes
If an employee continues to have a problem with a job task, ensure you keep track of those
mistakes. Work with the employee though to fix the problem. Don't write them up or
downgrade them on an evaluation without giving them a chance to improve. That's unfair.
Watch your tone and attitude
If you walk in the office in a bad mood, everyone will catch that
same bad mood. If you are flippant about a decision made by the
higher-ups, your staff will be as well. Your staff will look to you
so see how to act and what is appropriate. It's rough to try to be
happy and uplifting all of the time, but that's part of the job of
being ‘in-charge’ or a boss.
Encourage your staff
If you see a job promotion they would be good for, encourage
them to take it! Always train your staff to take over your job. To
dodie ste®eo p®odu©tion ™
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