Customers don’t Really Understand Retail Workers possible 4 hours of sleep before heading back in for another long shift. I always tried my hardest to keep that smile plastered on my face, but in reality I was dragging, just dying for a few minutes of sleep in the middle of the day. I know I had many co-workers who would get scolded for “looking tired” throughout the day, but it’s hard to keep your head up at all times when you’re exhausted. And for those of you who may not know, some retail employees have to do a store cheer first thing in the morning. In the area where I now live in, there are very few jobs, so one takes what they can get, which is usually a retail position. I’ve been out of that line of work for about a month now, because I was laid-off (that’s what management called it, I call it ‘being fired’ but I am not to worried, because I an over 65 years of age, one thing certain - my stress level is much lower than it used to be. For the first time since I was a teenager, I am able to actually enjoy myself working in the garden instead of being run ragged and just waiting for it to be over. The next time you’re having a bad day, be conscious of the way you’re treating the people around you. If your cashier isn’t the ray of sunshine you’re expecting, don’t take all your problems out on him or her. I’m not saying cashiers have the right to be miserable to their customers either. No matter what has happened during the day, the cashier shouldn’t take their problems out on the customers. What reasons do you have for being kind to retail workers? dodie ste®eo p®odu©tion ™ Page 9 of 9