Not being exuberant, fanatical or passionate about any charities is my prerogative and is
based on my personal past experiences with some charity organizations. If you want to know
why, I have attached a couple of PDF files that cover my point of views about why I am
totally against charity organizations. The only comment I have, which might be considered
not very P.C.ness or even malicious in the view of many is “How many years was he involved
in charity work, even got an OBE and Knighthood, and what do the Mr & Mrs General Public
think of Jimmy Saville today?”
Have you ever met Debbie Downer, Negative Nancy or Pessimistic Patty? These people can
be so entrenched in the bad things that there isn’t any room for good things to grow. They
inhabit our families and social circles. It can be emotionally draining just being around them,
and you must be careful because their attitudes are contagious. Negativity perpetuates
itself, breeds dissatisfaction and clutters the mind. And when the mind is cluttered with
negativity, happiness is much harder to come by.
Here are some ways that I have learnt to defend myself against negativity:
Don’t take other people’s negativity personally. Most negative people behave
negatively not just to you, but to everyone they interact with. What they say and do
is a projection of their own reality – their own attitude. Even when a situation seems
personal – even if someone insults you directly – it oftentimes has nothing to do with
you. Remember, what others say and do, and the opinions they have, are based
entirely on their own self-reflection.
Spend more time with positive people. You are the average of the people you spend
the most time with. In other words, who you spend your time with has a great impact
on the person you eventually become. If you are around cynical and negative people
all the time, you will become cynical and negative. Does who you are and who you
want to be reflect in the company you keep? Start spending time with nice people
who are smart, driven and likeminded. Relationships should help you, not hurt you.
Surround yourself with people who reflect the person you want to be. Choose friends
who you are proud to know, people you admire, who love and respect you, and
people who make your day a little brighter simply by being in it.
Be the positivity you want to see in the world. Lead by example. You can’t always
save the world, but you can make the world a better place by practicing what you
preach – by becoming self-aware, tapping into your compassion, and protecting your
positive space. Doing simple things like talking about positive daily events, common
friends, hobbies, happy news, make for light conversations with negative people.
Keep the conversations focused on optimistic areas the person can relate to. You can
disarm their negativity, even if it’s just for a little while.
Change the way you think. The one thing nobody can take away from you is the way
you choose to respond to what others say and do. The problem isn’t the events that
are negative. The problem is the way you react to those events. The last of your
dodie ste®eo p®odu©tion ™
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