Leisure Education Awareness and Discovery (LEAD)
The LEAD program provides leisure awareness for students
during their school day through a cooperative effort
between special education staff and NSSRA program staff.
This program prepares students to participate in a variety
of recreation activities during leisure time, opening their
eyes to view their abilities in a positive light.
Special Events
Special events are one-time events that give participants
and families exposure to a specific area or provide a social
experience. These events are split into two categories:
1. Seasonal special events for participants
2. Annual agency-wide special events for participants,
families and friends of NSSRA
NSSRA offers both short 2-3 day trips and longer 4-8 day
trips year round for both youth and adult participants.
Destinations range from Chicago and Milwaukee to the
state of Maine.
Weekly Youth and Adult Programs
Weekly programs are offered each season for both youth
and adult participants. Programming options include,
but are not limited to, fitness, music, art, social clubs and
community integration.