TheOverclocker Issue 46 | Page 23

qualities of the board in question. In fact, there have been several occasions where the competition offered at the very least equal or (less often) objectively better boards and they have chosen the ROG board still. Much of this has to do with the actual hardware obviously, but also the less tangible, aspect. I've heard it said several times that ROG boards simply 'feels’ as if it’s of a higher quality. This is entirely subjective of course, but it is worth highlighting as it plays a part in some peoples buying decisions. :KHQ\RXSXWDOORIWKDWWRJHWKHUWKH DFWXDOKDUGZDUHWKHVHQWLPHQWRI52* IDQVDQGWKHSURYHQRYHUOFRFNLQJ PLQHUDOV,W VSODXVLEOHWKDWWKHUHPD\ QRWEHDEHWWHUMicro-ATX Z390 boarG. There are probably a number with one better feature or function here or there, but as a package LQthis form factor, I can’t think of PDQ\WKDWDUH FORVH 0D\EHWKH'DUNERDUG" . 7he only down side (outside of the material shortfalls), is that it isn’t available in most regions. That said, the Gene remains an exceptional board. One worthy of all the praise it receives. [The Overclocker] Issue 46 | 2019 The OverClocker 21