PUK spot welder The PUK spot welder from Lampert is a good example of how far technology has developed within the space of just a few years . The touchscreen and microscope make the modern version very user-friendly and good for the physical working environment .
The compact and versatile PUK 5.1 spot welder boasts the latest TIG-Pulse fine welding technology and is thus able to weld everything from minor repairs to large-scale production . The spot welder can thus be used by goldsmiths , silversmiths and watchmakers at the workshop or in the shop . Thanks to the SM 5.1 welding microscope you always have full control of the working process , which can be operated via the machine ’ s touchscreen . Welding is performed automatically under protective gas ( argon 4.6 ), which ensures the optimum welding result .
Soldering and welding with MIG-O-MAT We also do what we can to offer alternatives to existing solutions , such as , for example , our soldering machine from MIG-O-MAT . The machine is suitable for a wide range of tasks involving soldering of small items in particular . With a temperature of up to 3000˚C , you can melt almost any metal , and the machine can be used on platinum and palladium . The heat can be regulated , so that even delicate soldering can be carried out . Nozzles in different sizes enable the flame to be adapted to the specific workpiece . MIG-O-MAT is an alternative to costly and hazardous gas flasks at the workshop , as the gas is produced through electrolysis and the pressure can be regulated as required .
Did you know … … that we also service the products we sell … that you can always call us out if you have problems with a product … that you can always contact us if you have questions concerning ergonomics and the working environment
25 THE FAIR Summer 2019 www . aktivguld . com