TheBeyondWoman Magazine Issue #9 | Page 9

Cooling Down

• Water helps in flushing out bacteria , so be deliberate about increasing your intake of pure water ( that colourless , odourless , and tasteless liquid ).
• Pee as often as is needed and take care to empty your bladder .
• Wipe from front to back after urinating or having a bowel movement .
• Empty your bladder before and after sexual activity .
• Pay attention to your diet to ensure it isn ’ t full of caffeinated beverages , highly processed , or sugary food .
• Practice including stress management as a part of your daily routine .
• “ Fasting ” from sexual activity during an active UTI is highly beneficial . “ Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent and for a time …” - 1 Corinthians 7:5 — Hopefully , your partner understands this need . If he doesn ’ t , then that is another necessary conversation that goes much deeper than this article . On a subconscious level though , that could be a contributing factor to you being “ pissed off ” emotionally and physically .
The above suggestions are far from exhaustive as there is quite a bit more which could be shared . The main point is to tap into your intuition and get to know your mental and emotional state and what works for your body .
I recall being at a conference all day and not drinking water ( due to my reluctance to use public bathrooms ). Upon returning home , I hurriedly went to pee . It burned like crazy . I shared with my friend that it was due to me not drinking water all day . She laughed and told me I was being ridiculous as the effect couldn ’ t be that immediate . I , knowing my body , began drinking water to stimulate my kidneys and get my bladder flushed of the toxins . This action was enough to avert a UTI that I knew would be present had I ignored my body ’ s clear message .
Tap into your inner wise woman , she who reminds us that we go to nature to heal . Borrow from the wisdom of the plants who share generously with those willing and ready to listen . For my purely logical sisters who scoff at intuition , how about helping out the healthcare system which is severely burdened by starting to listen to and care for your bodies ?
We can lessen and eventually eliminate the “ burning ” present in society by slowly changing our attitudes and beliefs .

Woman Wellness

Written by Curline Adassa Postpartum Doula | Certified Personal Growth Specialist Certified Health Information Management Specialist CHIM Herbal Medicine Practitioner | Womb Wellness Advocate Host of Calabash Conversations and Founder of Designing Your Path Get in touch with Curline Adassa for more tips on woman wellness
www . designingyourpath . com
TheBeyondWoman Magazine | 09