TheBeyondWoman Magazine Issue #9 | Page 8


Pissed Off

“ The wise woman within us remembers our goodness . She speaks to us in our dreams , through the rustling of leaves , the singing of a stream , … She encourages us to heal our wounds . She asks that we remember our connection to all that is sacred …”

- Deb Soule

Women are natural nurturers , hardwired to be caregivers , providers , and healers . Our power is inextricably linked to our intuition , which at times is misunderstood or disregarded by the purely logical mind . Societies the world over have stories of wise women , the healers who healed not only themselves but their families , and at times the wider community . With industrialization , feminism , and the total dependence on allopathic methods of healing ; women slowly became dependent on doctors or other external sources to tell them about their own bodies . The initiative and the knowledge to heal self were slowly forgotten .
What happens when you are living out of harmony with your natural state of being ? Are you irritable , ill-at-ease , pissed off ?
Discomfort and disease on the physical level all have their beginning on the non-physical level . Louise Hay makes the correlation between being “ pissed off ” and having a urinary tract infection ( UTI ). Whether you have noticed this to be true in your case or not , should you be quick to dispel the possibility ?

Why ?

Let ’ s for a moment be like the masses and only examine what is physical , having a UTI , burns !
The causes are not the same for every woman . In postmenopausal women , it ’ s usually caused by hormonal changes , women who have given birth to multiple children may have prolapsed bladders or urethras . Sometimes it is a case of holding urine for long periods ( there are multiple reasons for doing this ). Poor diet , stress , increase in sexual activity , a new sexual partner ; have all been documented as causes of urinary tract infections .
So , what can you do ?
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