Ask Sister Kim
focus if you find out that you are lacking in any
to assist you, find study methods which are suitable
of these departments seek God in prayer before
to you and maximize on them to achieve the best
you start studying ask for his help because he will
results you are capable of. In closing, how is it pos-
supply your needs and work upon the good de-
sible to perform at your best if you don’t believe in
sires of your heart. Cramming the night before the
yourself that you can do it? As Marcus Garvey
exam is not a wise decision, it is best you relax
said “If you have no confidence in self you are
and go over the things you had already studied,
twice defeated in the race of life, with confidence
write down the important details and try to work
you have won even before you have started”. And
past papers to get a feel of what you will be fac-
always remember Philippians 4 v 13 “I can do all
ing. It makes no sense you slave through the night
things through Christ who strengthens me”.
with-out resting your mind because if you are
tired it is impossible for you to remember what
you have been studying , be smart and get at least
4 hours of rest when you awake you will feel refreshed and you have a better chance at remembering and understanding your lesson. Always
remember that no one is an island and if you so
not understand a lesson that has been taught seek
help from a teacher or a peer who is kind enough
Loving Regards,
Sister Kim
Send your questions to :
[email protected]
Or Mail to: Ask Sister Kim
Thompson Piece District,
Walderstan P.O.
Jamaica WI
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