Ask Sister Kim
Dear Sister Kim ,
I have a problem and I need some advice. I attend a local high school in the parish of Manchester and no matter how hard I try, I get grades that are not also good. It is my mother alone who grow me and she is a washing
lady who work very hard to send the three of us to school, and she is always depressed about my bad grades.
Because I want to do good to make her happy, I brought in a little help on my last four course work exams and
I got 60%! Mommy was so proud of me. But now end of year exam coming up and the information is too
much to put on half a paper. What so you think I should do to pass it? Carry a bigger paper, two papers? Or
some study card? A lot of people, even the bright ones use the study cards. Please, what should I do Sister
Your’s Truly
thing best and he designed your life the way it is
Dear TJ,
supposed to be, you might be wondering why is it
that you’re not always on top?, why am I not as
Cheating is never the answer: it is wrong. What I
brilliant as other children all that floats through
can tell you tough, is that the first step to success
your mind is “WHY?” and at times we question
is hard relentless work and having faith and trust
God, but what God does is well done who knows,
in the Lord Jesus Christ. As the scripture
maybe you have to hit rock bottom to appreciate
says ,“For I know the plans I have for you,”
when you finally reach to the top of your game.
declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and
To prepare efficiently for an exam it takes cour-
not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
age, continuous strength, ambition , self will and
future” (Jeremiah 29:11). God knows every-
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