TheBethanyShout June 2012 | Page 4

thew 5:16, to be perfect as our father who is in heaven is perfect. I could not complete this article without inviting sinners to give the lord Jesus Christ a chance in their life, so as to escape the wrath of God on his second coming. Finally, think on these words: “for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” -Roman 6:23 God Bless An Understanding Heart: A Holy Father! Sis Juliette Letts A father means so many things…. An understanding heart, a source of strength and support and a constant readiness to help in a kind and thoughtful way just like our heavenly father, who sent his only son to die for our sins. He is one whose heart is forever endued with a special generosity: one who is eternally encouraging and forgiving just as is the father of the prodigal son who reopened his heart home to his son who left him. He is a man of faith who never leans to his own will and opinions, but always listens and obeys the will of God just like Abraham who was willing to sacrifice his only son after waiting many years to get this son. You see, God took the strength of a mountain, the majesty of a tree, the warmth of the summer’s sun, the calm of a quite sea, the generous soul of nature, the comforting arm of night, the wisdom of ages, the power of an eagle’s flight and the joy of morning and combined them into one……his master piece he dubbed “Father”. Happy Fathers Day! Page 4