The Zimbabwean Gardener Issue 3 Summer 2012 | Page 26

What to do What to do in the garden this summer • Feed annuals every two weeks with Grow easier or ZFC Best Bloom and remove faded flowers. • Keep a look out for Downy mildew on the underside of the leaves of your Busy lizzies and spray with Ridomil weekly. • Watch out for snails this month so put out snail bait around newly planted seedlings before you forget. • Stake plants that are falling over in the winds and rain. Use a bamboo stake; push it in deep close to the plant. Use string or raffia to loop around the plant and then around the stake in a figure of 8. Tie a loose knot leaving extra string for adjusting. DEC Christmas isbrings new This month just around the corner and thewith delights everyday gardens are full of all the blossoming colour again. The rains and blooming. are here and everything Remember to maintain should be looking a regular programme of lovely and lush. deadheadiing, fertilising • Continue to water and mow your lawn regularly. If necessary, fertilise your lawn every six weeks in summer with Lawnfert. • Cut back poinsettias by a third to promote growth and flowers. • If you have planted dahlia tubers, remember to feed them with a general fertiliser as well as staking them to protect them from being destroyed in the wind and rains. • January is the time for cutting back and trimming hedges, shrubs and perennials such as shasta daisies, lavender, daisy bushes, diascia and felicia. • Shrubs that flower in autumn and winter are already forming buds so don’t cut back at this time. • Remember to cover your compost heap with plastic during the heavy rains. • If your garden has received lots of rain, feed with a general fertiliser. If it is dry, water deeply, then fertilise. Jan 26 Now the festivities are over, it’s time to remove the Christmas excess! So, bring out the mowers, trim the hedges and remove weeds and old flowers to create a fresh start! • Mulch the ground to retain moisture and it also helps to reduce weeds. • Mow the lawn, trim the edges and remove weeds. Again, apply Lawnfert when necessary and remember to water it in well after applying or do it before the rains come. • Don’t forget about your pot plants, which need frequent fertilising and watering.