The Zimbabwean Gardener Issue 3 Summer 2012 | Page 27

What to do cut this out and stick it on your fridge • It’s time to sow the colourful winter and spring flowering seeds: Alyssum, snapdragon, foxglove, candytuft, petunia, stocks, Iceland poppy, phlox, primula, viola and cineraria. • Cut off old flowering stems of penstemon, rudbeckia and delphiniums to encourage new growth. • This rainy weather is ripe for Downy mildew to set in so continue with your Ridomil application on Busy lizzies. • Snails and slugs favourite perennials are pilea, hypoestes and tradescantia so put snail bait around these too. FEb February is generally a busy month in the garden and some shrubs will require a light summer pruning to neaten them up. • Prune overg ɽݸ