The Zimbabwean Gardener Issue 3 Summer 2012 | Page 17

Gaura Gaura lindheimeri This pretty herbaceous perennial adds delicate grace across the garden and a touch of romance to your borders. It’s pretty in pots and wonderful as a border plant, it can also be used as a cut flower. It looks best if planted en masse in garden beds. The starry, four-petalled flowers usually come in white and a variety of different shades of pink. In the breeze, they move constantly, looking like a cloud of small butterflies. Needless to say, this North American wild flower is also a good plant for attracting butterflies. The slender erect stems bear small leaves at the base. Sometimes, red speckles may appear on the leaves; don’t be alarmed, it is one of the characteristics of this plant. Gaura is a low maintenance plant, as it does not require frequent dead heading like most plants do. However, it is a good idea to cut back the stems once they have finished flowering to encourage new growth. It is also a drought resistant plant. Gaura prefers an open space in full sun and well-drained soil that isn’t necessarily rich, although plants respond well to enriched soil. Gomphostigma Gomphostigma virgatum The river star, as it is also known, has silvery branches with slender grey leaves, which carry bunches of starry white, fragrant flowers excellent for cutting. The perennial flowers bloom nearly all year round but the best time to see it has to be in summer. This elegant evergreen can reach a height of two metres, and it is a great plant to add a bit of height to any garden bed. Native to South Africa and Zimbabwe, it can be found along rivers and watercourses. You can be sure to get birds in your garden as they like to use the flexible branches to build their nests. Gomphostigma is a wonderful accessory for any water garden. This shrub also looks good when grown in a bed, especially with Heliotrope, Gaura and Diamond frost. Plant it out where there is an adequate supply of water and in full sun. Cutting back is necessary in winter to encourage more new growth and flowers for the following summer. Being a frost hardy and non-invasive plant, Gomphostigma is definitely worth planting! 17