The Zimbabwean Gardener Issue 12 Autumn 2015 High res | Page 37

Investing in your property Basic improvements Caring for your property is an investment in itself. Check your curb/verge appeal, plus your security, electrics and plumbing. Safety of the home is currently a big issue in Zimbabwe, so make sure your features are up and running, or make a worthwhile investment by purchasing a system now. Invest in the garden Every buyer is different; some may be keen gardeners and others not. However, make sure your garden is low maintenance and hassle free. It is a good idea to invest in growing some indigenous trees and shrubs; don’t cut down already well-established trees. With concerns over water scarcity, think about how you can make your garden more water wise Make sure your washing line is accessible but out of sight. Tidy up, clear out… Using a critical eye, frequently ask yourself, “Have I used this in the last 5 years?” Generally we are a frugal nation, so be strict and don’t pile up goods or junk. Give excess away or sell it. Less is more! And some tips for the viewing day Get off the grid With water being a major issue in Zimbabwe, water harvesting and storage definitely adds value to your property. There are suppliers who can show you how to collect and utilise the rainwater that we receive. Cutting back on municipal usage adds value and purchasers will be impressed, as water is life. People are more eco-conscious these days, so be aware of your carbon footprint, and change over to solar power for lights and/or geysers. Gas is also both practical and economical. 1. Make sure your bathrooms are dry, clean and inviting with no clutter; we don’t want to see your undies on display! 2. Ensure your curtains have been dry cleaned and are hanging well. 3. Wash away any stains on the walls or furnishings. 4. Put your precious p