And then she insulted my jacket. The same black leather jacket. Said it reminded her of the ugly potbellied sponsor she was moving around with while pretending to date me. I wasn't even hurt. Okey I was hurt terribly. She insulted my jacket! The one thing I bought in my image blessed that it may be cool. And Donnata and the landlady just trushed it without a care. Now dear Diary, I'm sure you'll never insult my jacket. But I have a class now so I'll have to catch up with you later. Till tomorrow. Adios. "I was so smitten that I even begun doing things that are considered an abomination in my village just to impress Donnata. Things like going to the gym. You see, I wanted to be like one of those cool dudes who sweat it out lifting heavy metals in a comfortable room in the company of their smiling girlfriends. It didn't work out for me though and after two days, I decided that Donnata would have to love me the way I was."