The Yachtsman 2016-2017 RPAYC Yachtsman 2016-2017 | Page 30

OLD TIMERS 2017 OLD TIMER’S RACE AND LUNCHEON A record number of participants have taken part in the Club’s annual Old Timer’s Race and Luncheon showing that age has no barriers in sailing! Thirty seven boats took to the start line on a light autumn morning, all featuring an Old Timer on the helm skippering another member’s boat. Thank you to the sailing office for their tiresome work to get 37 boats matched with Old Timers. To add to the charm of the event, Life Member, Jack Gale came out of retirement to RO for the race. Equipped with a glass of wine and stylish Ray Ban sunglasses the race got underway to a clean start. With the fleet making their way up Pittwater, the sun started to poke through, which caused the already light wind to become even more unpredictable as it shifted around from three of the four cardinal points. Winner of the race was Taffy skippered by long-time Member John Ellis. Coming in second was Alun Black skippering Bonnie Lassie and third was past commodore, Angus Gordon sailing one of the Club’s Elliott 7s. After the race over 200 Members and guests attended the luncheon, appropriately themed “Tall Tales of the Old Timers” Members shared their fondest memories of the Club. Bob Fowler, Bill Buckle and Peter Kennett plus many others told their stories and didn’t hold back! Along with the stories the Old Timers quiz was another star of the show. Written by Tom Spithill it made for an interesting result. With some questions still needing answers. 28 YACHTSMAN