The Yachtsman 2016-2017 RPAYC Yachtsman 2016-2017 | Page 29
Steve McConaghy. After crossing the finish line in fourth
place the team scored first in PHS Division 2 and second
in IRC results.
Upon receiving the IRC award Tinworth made special
mention to his crew pointing the great work the Youth
Development team achieved on the race to Southport.
“We had a great race with the five Youth Development
members from the Club. They are all under 23 and they
bring so much enthusiasm and energy and it was great
having them on board,” Tinworth said.
Youth Development crew Rachel Bower couldn’t
praise Tinworth and the rest of the crew enough for the
experience she gained racing to Southport.
“You learn so much from these experienced sailors
like Steve (McConaghy), he’s like an Ocean Whisperer,
plus you’re sailing with all your mates which just boosts
the enthusiasm all-round. Both Marks are such great
guys, it just makes it all worth it,” Rachel said.
The last boat from 18 starters was Ian Edward’s
Firefly, which arrived at the finish line at 22:10 EDT on
Wednesday 4 January, 2017.
As an added bonus to competitors in the Club Marine
Pittwater to Southport Yacht Race, Roger ‘Clouds’
Badham not only provided his weather reports for the
race start, but also wrote a report for the Sydney, Lake
Macquarie and Newcastle boats, for their voyage home.
Full handicap results in all divisions at