What a fantastic year it has been celebrating our 150th year at the RPAYC , with the Membership Committee extremely busy with their usual tasks of vetting and interviewing new members , as well as following up new members in their first year for feedback , compounded by many celebratory events and the implementation of the Club ’ s new Strategic Plan . Overall member numbers were slightly down at the April year end , mostly due to the deferral of Sail Expo until the last weekend of April and increased resignations early in the year when younger members were no longer paid in their family memberships .
The Strategic Plan 2016-2020 gave us a revised Membership Vision of providing membership privileges to those who are engaged in the Club ’ s vision and objectives while retaining an active , sustainable , satisfied and participating sailing member community , and the Membership Committee has worked tirelessly with all classes of members to encourage participation and increase value for members . Committee members follow up every new member who they have interviewed for membership within their first 12 months of membership and that feedback from new members is extremely valuable , being discussed and analysed at our monthly Membership meetings . Member satisfaction is prioritised by focussing on the value for active participants and ensuring benefits accrue to all members who are participating in the sporting life of the RPAYC .
We instigated a short Boat Usage questionnaire during the year for all facility holding members who were perceived to not be fully participating in Club life , and this was received warmly by those members who were contacted , with members extremely positive about their experiences at RPAYC . In particular the excellent facilities and staff . Further analysis of this data will be undertaken by the committee and staff during the coming months .
New members again received a 50 % discount on joining fees at the two-day Sail Expo , so the week following that event was again our greatest increase in new Full and General members numbers , with 30 new members from that discounted period . The two days were a great success due to excellent weather and an increased range of yachts and other exhibitors , and the Membership Committee excelled with four members available all day both Saturday and Sunday to guide and encourage prospective new members to join and participate in sailing at RPAYC .
Special thanks to my Membership Committee of Liz de Soyres , David Bray , Bob McClung , Virpi Tuite ,
Ann Asker , Sandy Jacka , Russell Murphy and David Kennedy who , together , well represent the diverse membership of the RPAYC . As this will be my final Report as Rear Commodore Membership , I wish to thank all these existing and all past Membership Committee members who have contributed to making my time as Rear Commodore so enjoyable and fulfilling . It is particularly pleasing that longstanding Membership Committee member Liz de Soyres has nominated and been successful to be the next Rear Commodore Membership , so I wish Liz and all the ongoing and new Membership Committee members best wishes in maintaining the vision of an active , sustainable , satisfied and participating sailing member community at the best yacht Club in the world .