The World of Hospitality Issue 51 2023 | Page 27

Photo : Klunderbie
The exploration of artistic expression continues even in the public bathrooms , which are also dedicated to the theatre experience . Hayon wanted to create a behind the scenes atmosphere as if entering the reinterpretation of an exquisite dressing room - sleek , chic and iconic . to unique glass objects , the cabinet represents the cultural diversity of the capital city in which art ’ otel lives . The sensation evoked by the lobby area is tranquil and relaxed , a transition from the hurry of the city into a soothing haven .
Situated within TOZI Grand Cafe , the Art Gallery is a nod to the work of American sculptor Alexander Calder : sculptures hang high above alongside custom made tapestries , filling the drum-like space . A mobile-like chandelier gives the gallery an ethereal and surreal feel .
Timeless brass lifts lead to deep green corridors , guiding guests to bedrooms inspired by contemporary expressionism . The design concept for the rooms centres on combining great comfort with fun and boundary-pushing design , with a mix of bold pastels and deep tones that creates a lively yet restful environment . Playful luxury is the core sensation Hayon aims to evoke with the guestroom experience .
Jaime Hayon has won numerous awards , including multiple ELLE Decoration International Design Awards , included by Wallpaper * Magazine in its top 100 list and recognised by the magazine as one of the most influential creators of the last decade , lauded as a “ visionary ” and one of the most creative icons by Times magazine .
Not only home to Hayon ’ s artwork , art ’ otel London Battersea Power Station plays host to an everchanging calendar of exhibitions and experiences , encouraging guests to surround themselves with the
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