Discover your sparkle
with Le Joli
Food & Drink
For those looking to discover something with a Launched in 2018 by AG Barr, Le Joli is now
little sparkle this summer, then look no further expanding its offering in WHSmith Travel outlets
than Le Joli, the drink of the summer. across the UK. It’s also stocked in Ocado and
on Amazon and comes in three unique flavour
With no artificial ingredients, sugar or combinations - Sicilian Lemon Mandarin,
sweeteners, Le Joli is a sparkling water infused Scottish Raspberry Rhubarb and Mexican Lime
with natural fruit flavours, making it the perfect Mint.
lunchtime accompaniment or afternoon
hydration drink.
WEBSITE: www.agbarr.co.uk
Fiona Lockie, Senior Brand Manager at Le Joli
said: “The infused water category is an emerging
category where we are starting to see strong
growth in the UK. Le Joli is designed to appeal
to health conscious consumers who are looking
for exciting water flavours or an alternative
soft drink with no artificial ingredients, sugar or