The Word of God in Romania 2015.12.25 - The Word of God at the feast of the s | Page 4
Oh, get used to be gentle and loving even with the wicked ones, even with the evil doers, so
that they may see the work of love, its work and the joy from this, and so that they may long to
receive the happiness felt by the heart of the one who works love with all his members.
Oh, it is not for sin but for faith that those who stay near to the Lord come and remain with
Him forever, and this mystery belongs to those who are clean in their heart and faith, and who
think with much love towards those who go wrong, telling to themselves that the brothers’ mistake
is in them not in their brothers, as this is the heart of those who love and they do not blame others.
And now, I am urging Your people of Romanians, Lord, and from which all the sons of the
Romanian people should take advice, and I am telling them this:
Oh, do not forsake your country, you, Christian sons, and you, Romanian sons. Do not take
this step for nothing and for anyone in the world. Be afraid to do this and listen so. This advice is
coming from heaven. Do not neglect the advice that is coming from heaven to you. Punish in you
the desire that prompts you to leave your country for a foreign country, for the country of the
Lord’s blessing is the country of His return as word after two thousand years, and this country is
protected by the Lord. Those who leave this country and go somewhere else, those are written and
kept being written by satan that do not love the Lord, Who comes with His saints and becomes
word on the hearth of the Romanian people, here, where the gift of faith is sowed, which is to
spring forth for those who will receive this gift, and those to whom it was given, they are to keep
it, to protect it by the work of their love, because faith is built in man by love.
Oh, much love is sick in many and it cannot be made well anyhow. You, the one who have,
or say that you have faith, take care, oh, take care to thank, as you give thanks to a doctor sent by
the Lord to you, to the one who had done something wrong to you, as with the one who gentle and
humble it is well anyhow and anywhere he may be, even if he may be in hell. Oh, if you are deni-
grated and pray to the Lord for those who denigrate you, then the Lord clearly shows the truth to
those who stumble, for the more we bow the better we see ourselves unworthy, and we are more
humble, more faithful and more loving, praying and calling more after the Lord. Oh, sons, pray
and speak with humility calling out to the Lord saying this: “Lord, lower the heavens and come
down to save us and come.” Amen.
Oh, I have blessed You, Lord, teaching the people of Your word the love and the faith born
out of love, and which lasts forever only in those who are humble, for in those who are proud faith
does not last; it does not endure because of the self-love. Now, I am asking You with humility,
please give gifts to those who are faithful, to have power for You and not for them, for woe to those
who seek for themselves on their way with You! Those who seek for themselves on this way, they
do not have love, oh, they do not have any; however, they can have it if they want to learn how to
have it.
Oh, peace to You, Lord! I remain within a humble spirit and stay before You. This spirit
makes miracles for men’s life, for faith in men, oh, Lord. Amen.
— I am the gentle One and I am the One humble in heart, oh, faithful servant, and this is
My exhortation for the love in man, for I am a Teacher upon man with My own example, and you
have taken after Me with your spirit loving of people. He who wants to take after Me does not take
after man, but he takes after God in love and then in all things, and then love can do everything. I
thank you with bending for your great advice over the people of My word, for you were very much