The Word of God in Romania 2015.08.28 - The Word of God at the feast of the A | Page 5
means, oh, My mother. Oh, pour out your love over those with whom We are sitting at the table
and We are getting comforted and We are also comforting others, mother. Amen.
— You are my whole love, oh, dear Son of the Father and mine. You are the outpouring,
You and Your word.
Oh, let us teach those with whom we are getting comforted now. Let us speak to them
about obedience, dear Son. It is the climax of love; it gives birth to gods for God. Oh, let us tell
them how obedient We were. Both You and I listened to the word spoken upon Us, for the angels
came and spoke to me and he made himself known on behalf of the Father. I submitted to his
word for me, and the word spoken for me became God; You became the fruit of the word, and
love was the work that taught me to submit. Oh, how much submission You had too, dear Son,
and how much submission You always have when You become food for God’s sons by the word
of the priest, who declares that God becomes the bread and wine with which he feeds the sons
of the church. You obeyed in the garden of Gethsemane when Caiaphas’ messengers came to
take You to the cross and to death afterwards, and Your submission was love, and out of it Your
resurrection was born, my beloved Son.
Oh, without love there is no submission, there is not, sons. It is my feast with you and
with those in heaven at you. Peace to you! Oh, how much comfort from we to you, and from you
to us! Is there still another place on earth as beautiful as with you here? Oh, how beautiful,
how beautiful! You have spread the blue of the sky in the air of the tent of meeting and you have
set little clouds on it. All seem to be beings, all seem to be only comfort, and all speak. Oh,
peace to you! My grace is opening like a flower when it comes into bloom and spreads its
fragrance. We are standing in the air here, and we are giving you only comfort. Oh, sons, learn
the work of submission. It is the climax of love, and it is from heaven.
Oh, I am going to tell you something. The Lord is able to stay face to face with the
moment that has passed, or that has to come, which comes coming. He can bring it before Him
to be in it with His work, with His view, with His word, but man cannot do this, because this
belongs to the Lord, as God made the ages before they could even exist.
Oh, sons, get up and speak words that come to be fulfilled, and that it may come their
fulfillment for you work with the Lord. Learn the work of submission and get used to it for great
fulfillments wait at the border, sons, and you are those who work with the Lord.
I am also blessing the glory of the feast for me. I am blessing and strengthening peace
and comfort.
Oh, dear Son, give them Your coming, for they also are giving it to You and they are
bringing it before You. They are bringing it not only by remembering it, but by works too, Lord,
and this is a great mystery between You and them, for You always come to them with Your
coming, and others wait for You to come, mysterious Son. Oh, how little do the people under-
stand You, Lord, for You are the mysterious One.
I am also blessing the coming of the spring of those who have travelled; I am blessing
the feast and their way back home too, and let them remember well the things from heaven, and
I wish them to grow according to Your will and to be Yours eternally, my dear Son. Amen.