The Word of God in Romania 2015.08.02 - The Word of God at the feast of the s
The Word of God 1 at the feast of the saint prophet Elijah, the Tishbite 2
It is a great feast in heaven among the saints on this day, as great as the one cele-
brated today, on a day of Sunday in this year, the day of God’s rest, sons, and we are going to
make the teaching and put it on the table and we are going to give it freely to those who love to
learn from the Lord, well sons, as there is much lack of light on earth. Nevertheless, we stay in
the light and we always teach this, that the teaching may be found when is needed, as behold,
Elijah the prophet had many disciples, and he with his life was an example to follow for them,
an example of holy life, as his great teaching was holiness and it was mercy on God too, as I,
the Lord, suffer very much from man’s departure from God and I am put down in every way
possible by man and I am forgotten by man in all the time of his errancy from the way of light.
Oh, My first teaching for you on this day, and for those who look to see on your table
My teaching for man, here how it is My teaching for today and how it begins:
Sons, sons, use much, much your heart, your thought and your little mouth for My
name and for the spirit of My confession among brothers so that these may be sanctified
moment by moment, for woe to those who do something else with their thought, with their heart
and with their mouth! Let it be on your lips only your love of God, love confessed with the
word, food for your heart sons, and holiness on earth. Bear Me all the time in your thought, for
My yoke is easy as this is what I said when I come on earth to men. Let Me have a sweet
dwelling place in your heart, as I told man: «Son, give Me your heart!» (See Matt: 22/37)
Oh sons, sanctify the earth, sanctify the air with the entire word full of God among you,
for God has to be the love of man’s soul, of his spirit and heart, and he who does not show Me
such love, that one does not love the Lord, and it is written: «If any man does not love God, let
him be accursed». (See 1 Cor: 16/22) This is what My great apostle said two thousand years
ago, oh, what heaviness this word has for every man, for man become accursed himself, and
the devil has nothing else but to win only over the one who has gone astray from My way with
man on earth.
Oh, sons, be only eyes and ears for the love of God in you and among you. Speak only
those from above, not only from below with your little care and mouth. Oh, speak only for the
Lord with the words of your mouths, as otherwise your mouth babbles and you speak with it
only the things from below, those from everyday life, those worked by hand and only that, and
let this exhortation comprise within it all those who are nourished with this godly word, as My
word is the teaching of eternal life, and I miss and I long to have on earth saints, prophets,
apostles and disciples with whom to be able to work from place to place the heaven on earth,
and as far as it concerns everyone who hear this teaching, then I, the Lord, ask him from among
the saints to receive it and to fulfill it. Amen.
Oh, the saints rejoice when they hear My word full of teaching for man, and if they left
it written on earth so much heavenly teaching for their followers, for the Christians, then how
I, the Lord, am not supposed to do this always and more and more like My saints, whose dwell-
ing place I am, and in the same way I am their love?
God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note.
Translated by I.A.