The Word of God in Romania 2014.12.25 - The Word of God at the feast of the s | Página 2

2014.12.25. came when he made bold to create the devil between him and Me, and then he had no longer any love and longing after Me. Oh, if man does not do the work of the love of God, then he does some other kind of work, he works separation from God, the work against him and against God. However, I have to accomplish the work of My Father, the renewal of the world, as it is written, and I come on earth as word to proclaim and to fulfill it, and I work through My faithful ones the whole com- pletion of My word. Amen. — Oh, Lord good and gentle, bless to speak from near You the word for my feast among the saints, for I stay in prayer before You for the fulfillment of the new birth of the world and I go on earth from place to place and I work mysteriously and I help You, Lord. Oh, this expec- tation is in heaven and on earth, and You come with Your great work on earth to start from the earth, from down up for the new building. Oh, Lord, bring the man to this knowledge and to this wisdom! Oh, come, Lord, come with the day of the victory in which everything will be seen put to its place after Your will, after Your love, and then man will see how You worked and how he worked, after You had built him! However, now, forgive the people, oh, forgive them, Lord, for behold how much they have spoiled the things You and Your saints have ordained! Man goes ahead of You as in the beginning, oh, Lord. Oh, what harmful is the man’s disobedience, Lord! Man does not know how easy, how good it would be for him if he listened to God and from God. We, Your saints tell all those on earth that it is well for man to listen to God willingly, as after it passes, he sees and it hurts him. We, Your saints, did Your work, we showed that You are wonderful among us and then the longing after God came to men, the longing after the truth, Lord. Oh, we are working likewise today too, and we are working and see from those that are not seen. We are working continuously, Lord, and we are working like You, because we have chosen You to listen to You. Oh, sons of the Word Christ, work, well sons, work like the Lord, for the Lord has much work to do, and the time has passed and there have to come out all those that are worked to remain, and it will be as at the first creation of the world and all the invisible things will come out and they will be seen in all their beauty, embracing within their comfort all those who will have longed after the Lord on earth. Oh, be gentle and be humble, sons. Be holy, oh, be holy on earth forever, to have cour- age before the Lord and for the Lord. Be His help and only His, for the Lord has hired you for Him, and you do not have to expect anything but a new heaven and a new earth, and those who work will rest in their work, oh, sons. Amen. (See the selection topic: „The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool: the man deified 3 ”, r.n.) 3 You can also see on: Deified 2