The Word of God in Romania 2013.08.09 - The Word of God at the feast of the g | Page 3
no longer come to life. Man forgets that he is sinful and he vindicates himself, poor of him, and
in this way he becomes ugly for God. The washing of the soul makes the soul of man beautiful,
not vindication. Martyrdom makes man beautiful and clean, and he who always cleans his soul,
that one is a martyr. Then keep away from the feeling of revenge. This feeling is from the devil,
and the foolish one works it every way possible; it is worked by the one who is guided his own
May this teaching be taken by all those who receive from the Lord the word of this spring
of word for the Lord’s growth in them. Oh, weep for your sins so that you may not laugh, as
there is no one else to wash your sins and to set you clean at the table of the Lord’s mercy. The
Lord comes to be your counselor and He comes to take you away from the punishment of the
disobedience of God. Look at the man Adam, who denied the obedience of God and fell, and
then he could hardly got up to see his sin by which he hurt the Lord, his Maker. The Lord is
coming to be your counselor, for those who call themselves counselors upon you do not clean
you from sin, and they should teach you and watch for you against sin, and they should also
clean you from sin and reconcile you to the Lord, if they have made themselves confessors over
your souls.
Man should deny himself to be able to work out obedience for his life from above, as he
cannot listen otherwise, and thus he listens to his mind, to his inclinations, to his feelings, and
such a man is hated and does not draw the Lord to him. I have listened to the Lord, and then I
have listened to my confessor, to the one who knew to give me to the Lord completely, and I
kindled within me the longing from heaven and the mercy for man, and then I went to the sac-
rifice of martyrdom so that I might not deny the Lord before those who were asking me this,
and my faith was my healing, the healing of my soul, which was filled with the Lord by the
spiritual advice of my confessor, and together we dedicated ourselves to the Lord as martyrs
so that the faithful may have healers for them among those in heaven.
Behold the remedy for healing: the Lord’s body and blood which washes the soul from
sins and from the works of destruction, and it washes it like the shirt that goes to be washed in
the lye pot and comes out white and beautiful at sight. Oh, the same is with the soul for which
all kinds of bleaching agents are needed, for the soul is dear and the body has to be small
without any rights that might lose the soul, but for this, light and wisdom from heaven are
needed, because otherwise man would not know from where to chose for himself to bring forth
fruit with a good taste for his salvation. Oh, from where does the bee know not to pick up its
food and then the man’s food from poisonous flowers? From Lord it has its spirit and it has
knowledge too. The same way is man supposed to have, but he receives much poison in him and
then he eats of it in him, he eats its fruit and the poisonous flowers are on earth to do their work
over those who do not listen to God. The same is with the face of the sins; it is left on earth to
the punishment of those who do not love the Lord, and for this man is to judge himself, and not
the Lord because He has left to man’s choice the grace or the punishment from the lack of his
love for the grace from above.
Oh, when man cannot sleep, he searches for a flower that may give him sleep for the
health of the body, but when he sleeps deeply and long, which takes him out of the love of God,
how comes that he does not search too, to destroy this enemy and to take a flower for his help,
a leaf at least, or the Lord as his love and protection against the enemies of his soul? I am a
healer for the bodies and I am for the souls, and I ask you and I teach you to cry over your sins
and not to leave them without any healing, for the Lord comes to be your counselor, He comes