The Word of God in Romania 2013.08.09 - The Word of God at the feast of the g | Page 2
so much love and humility in its making to be able to reveal it to man and to guide his steps
back to paradise, where I made a dwelling place for man after I had built him and which has
been kept within mystery from that time to the end and which has been waiting for the man’s
I rejoice and comfort Myself that I am able to come down on earth, that I can come
down with you, oh beloved saints with whom I come. I am coming again on earth and the man’s
mind is so closed and so much given to those on earth more than anytime. However, We are
setting on earth the teaching of life and the holy exhortation, for there are among them some
who wait to receive from heaven and to put over their life.
You should give healing to their mind, oh, healing martyr, celebrated today among the
holy martyrs and a confessor for My name. May the grace from above be in your word, and
may your word have power in your day of synod among saints. Amen.
— I bless You, my Lord, that You have allowed the spirit and the gift of obedience to
come down in my mind and heart, Lord, and a burning spirit for Your confession too. My little
heart was suffering because of Your absence in man, as You are also suffering now in those
who carry You in word over the earth, and with limitless patience they see this sufferance being
consumed in them and protecting You so that You may be able to come. Here you can speak the
word, but all over the earth Your voice is otherwise; it is by earthquakes, by fire, which burns
on the earth, by great waters, which punish the people who are cold in their faith, by lightning
and thunderbolts, by sickness and pains, by wars, by all kinds of beatings, in such a way that
the men’s iniquity and their carelessness of God may cease. Oh, You are speaking here too in
a spirit of great teaching, but You are doing this by the word, Lord, and the sons of this word
of man’s birth, the birth from above, need to be very much obedient to this word, Lord.
You need, much, much teaching, and you always need it, and then you also need much
humility for it, oh, sons of this word which gives you birth from above and grows you. Therefore,
examine yourselves and examine yourself much to see whether you have faith and if you walk
in the works of the faith; whether you are gentle and humble in your heart, whether you have a
broken heart and whether you have the gifts of the heavenly love among you. Oh, those who do
not humble are those who talk back, are those who grumble and are rebellious in their heart
when their conduct is examined. Oh, do not forget that the Holy Spirit has to dwell in you with
all His gifts written in the Scriptures. Therefore, seek with much propriety, to take from one
another and not to take from your mind, from your thought, lest the sin of the pride and the sin
of the judgment of your brother may grow in you; the sin of unclean look and then that of the
lack of love.
Oh, repent much; be very sorry for what you have done even if it does not seem to you
that you have gone wrong. The man who does not have repentance is always seen, and it is seen
in his face, it is seen in his conduct, it is seen in his lack of humility and this is painful in heaven.
Oh, cry over your sins as the saints did, as David did, for whoever does not repent always does
not have love in him, but he has a spirit of judgment and guilty eyes, and he who walks without
love is haughty, he has not passed from death to life, and such a man expects love.
Oh, beloved brothers in the Lord, vindication is the enemy of the man’s resurrection.
Woe to the one who does not rejoice over his brother when that one comes to the help of his
humility! Woe to the one who vindicates himself outside of him! Because of this sin man does