The Word of God in Romania 2012.12.19 - The Word of God at the feast of the S | Page 3

2012.12.19. then he proves his gratitude to his benefactor, who took him out of darkness and out of sick- nesses and out of many troubles and worries and then he goes and bows and believes what he does, and after that he wants to be like his benefactor. Oh, behold an example to learn from this. However, the most beautiful gratitude belongs to his benefactor upon him who put on him the fruit of the work of thankfulness, the fruit of obedience and the fruit of sacrifice before the one who gave him ministry and salvation by it and good conduct in his behavior full of holy fruit, full of the virtue of thankfulness. It is a day of the feast of saints and you have to give holy gifts to My people, oh, bishop celebrated among the saints on this day, for this is the work I have given to you, and you have not asked Me to pay for it, for you were My son and not a servant, and you loved to be thankful to your Creator. Sons, sons, those who listen are not those who command; they are not those who want their will to be made. You should get this teaching now. Amen. — I was a teacher for those who believed in You and for those who were gentle like me and for those who loved to bring their will under control; I was their help and their shepherd towards You, oh, Lord and Teacher. I have taught them their thankfulness to You, the One Who are the Treasurer of the good things to the salvation of men and to their wisdom. You have prepared the rank of bishop over my head with great miracles and I had al- ways been thankful for this great work You had put upon me with miracles, seen and understood by many at that time, but, oh, I could not, I could not bear the honor from people; I could not bear it because I was very much afraid to stand face to face with You, great Lord, for only You are the glorified One, only You. I hid as much as I could the work of my grace from You, because I could not receive those that You and only You deserve and have. I helped those who were poor and needed it and I saved them from heavy sin and I did as much as I could for man before you, for You ordained me to tend Your flock on earth, and to tend it incessantly. I tell, Lord, I tell to all the bishops on earth that they do not know what they had to work, since they do not work as I worked before You with the work of the grace of bishop, and I tell them that they need much, much repentance, very much, as they have stolen so much of Your glory from the people for themselves, and they were not and are not afraid to do this work of Lucifer and take of Your glory for themselves, when man deserves nothing but much repentance, for he is sinful. Oh, why Lord, why man forgets that he is a sinner? If man did not forget this, he would be awake for his answer that he must give before You, an answer he cannot avoid. Oh, what shall we do to bring Lucifer out from man completely, this satanic arch-shepherd, authorized master of the hell by all people who serve him, lying shepherd, who out of the spirit of haugh- tiness builds the throne of kingdom in man and the throne of his dominion over man, and man cannot get away from his authority? Oh, there is much ingratitude between man and You, good Shepherd, gentle and full of patience, Lord, and now, I am speaking to the sons of Your people for a while and I am telling them this: 3