The Word of God in Romania 2012.03.25 - The Word of God on the fourth Sunday | Page 2
In a day of Sunday, My Spirit and My word are accompanying you with its love and it
is bringing you guidance, oh, My people, and it is only love, only fire, as I am. God is a con-
suming fire, as it is written, and beautiful are those in whom this fire has life! My word
upon you is also fire; it is a consuming fire if it comes out of Me. (See the selection topic:
„The apocalyptic fire 3 ”, r.n.) Oh, how are many supposed to come to you when people flee
from fire and from water when these try to come to them unexpectedly? People flee from con-
summation after God and they flee from cleansing and from the cleansing of evil, for the evil
and its sin seem sweet to people; these seem to be their life and its power and comfort. People
are afraid of God and they flee from Him, and they say that it is hard for them with a life such
as His. Those who still come to get help from Me walking through the churches and within a
spirit of petition to give to them, they do not come to Me because they love Me, but they
rather come to Me only that I may give them, and if they see or know that I cannot give what
they want for themselves and for the earth, then they go to the sorcerers and sorceresses to give
them, while they ask for their possessions and they do not give them freely what they ask for.
Oh, he who does not have God as his life and love, that one is deprived of everything and goes
to get help in his needs and desires, he goes to satan’s servants that satan may give him of his
treasures, and then satan comes and let Me know how people follow him and how they give
their soul to him that he may give them in return to those asked by them to use to their greatest
errancy; however, those who go to satan after help in their weaknesses, they are those who
confess satan and do not know what much truth they prove that God is, that He is face to face
with satan, His adversary, of Whom satan is afraid, and against Whom he struggles with fear,
but when satan is helped by a great army of people, he takes courage, but I, the Lord, am telling
him now that he loses and those who go to him for help also lose, for their mind is addicted,
and are also addicted to themselves those who ask for help from satan for their self love and for
their greatness which they want for themselves on earth. Oh, well, well satan, whenever you
may think that you have won something against Me, then you are the one who lose, for the
man who comes to you to support him in the work of his pride, that one does not last, but his
foolishness lasts instead, which draws both him and you into the fire which you alone prepare
for yourself, and you keep on stirring it and adding to it, and you do not know what you are
doing and what man does to you, who knocks at your door that you may give him. Oh, what do
you give him? You give him what you have, and you are the father of lie, and everything
you do against Me and against man, in fact you do nothing but increase the flame of your
fire in which your torment is going to be and it will show you what you have earned for-
ever, for you earn nothing but your torment by everything that you work with man who asks
from you to give him. Oh, only if you did like the sorcerer whom I told by an angel not to do
any harm by his word of curse but rather to speak blessing with his mouth, and this servant of
yours listened to God, for he submitted before My power by which I cut into his way to bring
him into submission.
Well, My people, it is a day of Sunday and I want to rest by working over your life with
Me, son, for it is a day of fast, and it still is, and I, the Lord, have to strengthen you to be able
to work beautifully with fasting now before Me so that you may give your help My plan with
the heaven, with the earth and with man against satan, who does not leave off his evil things
but only when the sons of the heaven work with Me, and whom I, the Lord, taught and always
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