The Word of God in Romania 2012.03.25 - The Word of God on the fourth Sunday
The Word of God 1 on the fourth Sunday of the Lent, of the saint devout John of
the Ladder 2
In a day of Sunday, I am with you within My Spirit and My word and I am leading you
in a fatherly way, oh, My people. If I have you as Mine, born from above by this word, and if I
have given you to have and to give God further from your table to those who are not sitting
with Me at the table, oh, if I have given you to have and to be capable of working by My power,
how shall I not dwell into your midst and have fellowship with you and to be comforted that I
have you and that I am able to speak to you? My word has to be with you always and it has to
keep you awake; it always has to build in your watch, love and faith on My way with you. Oh,
My word does not have to trouble you, neither when it rebukes you, nor when it teaches you
and nor when it shows the darkness on the earth, nor when it proclaims those from Me for you,
but it rather has to watch over you and make you obedient to God, for how could you show Me
the law of the love of God if you did not listen to Me in everything that I may ask from you by
your stature within Me?
Oh, no one can show Me otherwise the love, which I have set upon man, so that he
may work it, when man might not listen to God as God requires. It is written into the Scrip-
tures that I, the Lord, find pleasure in those who are ready with fear and awe with respect to
everything that I speak upon them and this means obedience to God. Who can love the Lord
more, and more beautiful and more completely, than the one who listens to Him? Only those
who love Him and only those who not do not love themselves, oh, only those come to the love
of God by their obedience to Him.
Oh, My people, take care of love, son! When You give Me the whole love that I give
you to have, only then you are perfect in love, and if you also give of it to yourself, then neither
you are able to have it and nor could I have it completely from you. However, I have given you
My whole love, for when you love God with the wholeness of your love for Him, then do you
not have Him in His wholeness? How would it be to give you love further than that if you fulfill
your love to Me within all its wholeness? We would not have anything to give to each other
because we would be totally dedicated to each other, and this perfection does not need more
than that, and it would be enough for it to be on the earth with man and the man to comprise his
neighbor within it and to make him like him in love and in its perfection in them and then among
them, so that he may be in Me, and the one who loves Me to be perfect as well, not retaining
anything from these things to himself.
Oh, here it is why I miss man and how much I long after him! However, man does not
give Me his love, I am not his love, and he who does not have Me as his love, that one does not
have any other love that that for himself and he also asks Me to keep giving him, and no one
can gather in such a way that he may have in heaven and to be welcomed up there by his savings
earned with God on earth. Oh, he who does not gather with Me, that one scatters, he works his
own loss and then he remains with nothing of everything he does and of everything he is, and
he who gathers with Me, that one loves God and gives himself to God and he gives himself to
his neighbor with his being in him, with God, with the love in him, for God is love, and he who
has the Lord in him, that one is also love and he is like God. Amen.
God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note.
Translated by I.A.