The Word of God in Romania 2011.01.07 - The Word of God at the feast of the L | Page 3
You, those who bear my Son, Jesus Christ, as word from heaven on earth when He
comes like that to you, you are blessed, you, those against whom the people speak evil things!
Humble yourselves for you and for them, wounded sons! However, have hope in my Son, Jesus
Christ, Who is born as word at you so that He will wipe out your tear. He who gets warmed up
at the heat of the sun, while he despises the sun, has no wisdom, and likewise is the one who
quenches his thirst while he despises the place of the spring and the spring. As long as the baby
is small, he is carried and protected, but when he grows up he walks alone, and when he be-
comes a mature man in his stature, he does no longer want to be small, he does no longer want
to be a baby when it is about the wickedness of his heart, and he who thinks that he is able to
do so inflicts many blows.
Oh, sons, sons, oh, people prepared by my Son, Jesus Christ, for His glory of today and
tomorrow, here it is what I tell you: he who has the Lord in his love, when such a man loves,
he loves the Lord in man, and these kind of people, brothers in the Lord, speak among them-
selves for their Lord, only for Him, for they love Him, and no one of them loves himself among
those who love the Lord by their love. Such people you should be as well, and you should pray
like the ancestor David and you should say: «save my soul from the unbeliever, O Lord!» and
the Lord, your protector will save you.
Oh, take great care, sons, take care of your walking on earth in the world, for the ways
of the world are not yours, but they belong to the world! Every time sprinkle with holy water
your comings in and your comings out, for the devil is very much upset with you and always
makes evil spells and witchcrafts for those who do not obey because of their pride, and here
they are, thrown away from the path! It’s not all the same for the son of this people to walk with
the Lord and for the Lord on the paths of the world; it is not all the same with his walking with
the world on the way. Be obedient to my Son, Jesus Christ, and come with prayer before Him
for the spirit of obedience! I was His mother and I listened to Him, for He was my God. Christ,
my Son, is born as word at you. Give glory to the Lord and meet with strong faith the One Who
comes to you from the heavens as word on earth!
Keep yourselves within a spirit of church, sons! May the devil not have any room in
your church to make his churches! Be only one church all the time, (See the selection topic:
„The true church”, r.n.) for those who have run wild at the midst, pulling out two by two, three
by three, they have made little churches to the devil and they have sapped the Lord at the root
and did the evil work, leading astray the brotherhood and they cut themselves into the sword of
their unfair pursuits, sons. Oh, be obedient! Be afraid that you may not listen looking at those
who have not listened properly! Do not hide from each other. Do not be discontent, as this sin
leads you to grumbling and then to your hiding!
Love the work of the heaven, as the Lord has set the mystery for paradise for the man at
the beginning! Oh, peace to you, the Virgin, the mother of God’s Son is telling you, that who
gave you the Christ in the flesh two thousand years ago!
And as for You, son, my dear Jesus, strengthen Yourself in the gates for them and keep
them away from fallings, because those who fall hardly receive the spirit of humility to their
raising from falling, and they are less ashamed to remain in this fallen state than to humble
themselves and dare humbly to their salvation. Oh, save Your people, Lord, my Son, and graze
it with Your iron rod, for You are its Shepherd. Amen.