The Word of God in Romania 2011.01.07 - The Word of God at the feast of the L | страница 2

2011.01.07. God». (See Luke 1/28-33) And you answered the angel and said: «Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it to me according to your word». (Luke 1.38) Then I, by your faith, was seeded into your bosom and I became flesh as a Child, and I was born on earth, and there came at the manger of My birth shepherds and Magi, and the angels coming from heaven sang all that night long on earth and announced Me as born. Then the shepherds related how they came there after the angels told them and saw Me, mother, sleeping in the manger near the cattle, as I wanted to be born on earth as the King of the creature, humble and foreign to all those that belong to the people, but full of spirit and grace and of the word of the man’s making, for I grew and the Father glorified Me with My glory from Him, who is not like the glory that come from the people, but it is from the spirit of humility, mother, a spirit which will make any man to be born of God, as I was born of you, true God of true God, for you, mother who became heaven and earth for Me, a new heaven and a new earth made of man, as I want to work this Scripture, fulfilled with those who are faithful, as faithful as you were, and to be able to work now on earth the birth of My word through them, which is My iron rod by which I crush the enemies of My coming and build in their place a faithful people on My way of coming, for the word is My way, and I am its way, mother. And I have faithful sons, who keep Me at their bosom with faith and they are helping Me when I am coming as word on earth into My book of today among people, now, oh, My mother. — My Son, You have, dear Son of the Father and mine too, oh, You have faithful sons and You rely with Your coming on them, for they are small and they listen to You. I am looking at their great sufferance now. They are gentle and suffer, and their smile hides the pain in them. You have put faith in them so that they may be able to bear You within Your coming of today and to submit with wisdom to Your coming now, oh, Lord. Behold Your manger of coming down, so that You may not be a wanderer as two thousand years ago for Your birth as word now, and his book on the earth now. Countless angels comfort the wound of Your manger, always made from the evil spirit, which cannot bear its pain from the mystery of Your establishment now, the mystery of new Jerusalem among people, oh, Lord, Son born then and now within much, much humility of spirit! You suffer deeply from those who depart from the spirit of the faith and then say that Your river of word is from the devil or from man. Oh, how are we to wipe out this sin committed by them against the Holy Spirit, Son born as a child in Bethlehem, and word now, into the midst of the Romanian people? You did not stumble against the sin of the unbelief of the Jewish people in such a way that You might no longer work then the Scriptures of Your birth on earth, two thousand years ago, and You fulfilled so as it was written by the prophets. Oh, and not even now are You stumbling against those who are not believers to be born on earth as word of new birth of the world, the Only Son born of the Father and of my virgin womb. You are the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and this is the gate of the heaven, and how wonderful this place is with sons bearers of God, here, where You come down as word of birth, oh, Lord! As far as is the heaven from the earth, so great is Your mercy on those who are afraid of You, and as far as is the sunrise from the sunset, so far You remove all their mistakes, and as a father has mercy on his sons so much You have mercy on those who are afraid of You, those who are faithful, who bear Your coming, Lord. Oh heal the tongue of those who strikes them and which speaks empty words and speaks falsely to each other in their hearts saying: “by our tongue we will exalt ourselves, for our mouth is our power!” However, although they praise the Lord, they do according to the lust of their soul and, doing injustice, they bless themselves and do not realize the sin by which presses the Your Holy Spirit by their unbelief. Oh, how will it be to wipe out this sin done against the Holy Spirit, how, my Son Jesus? 2